While We Were Sleeping Exec Order 13575
m gardner
7/1/11 8:49am
While Anthony Weiner was misbehaving our Benevolent Dictator signed Executive Order 13575 to control what happens in Rural America. It even controls recreation on rural land (hunting). FDR started messing with the farms and rural land and 10% of the population starved. We don't want the feds managing our rural communities after seeing the other "improvements" they have made already.
Thanks for posting this. America is so asleep. History is fascinating to study.... "but this is America, it could never happen here". Yes it can folks and faster than you can imagine. The amount of Ag water wells that have been taken from us farmers/ ranchers over that last few years through Eminent Domain is unreal.
Why it might be good:
Agricultural resources are obviously something we depend on. Most people these days don't plant their own gardens, maintain a small family farm, and/or hunt & gather to provide for the family (This goes without saying, I'm just trying to portray where my mindset is coming from). So this being true we all understand there is a high level of dependency our nation has on large scale farming. Rural communities are obviously the areas these large scale farmers and their families live and work. So the good I see in this EO is where the policy states "The Federal Government has an important role to play in order to expand access to the capital necessary for economic growth, promote innovation, improve access to health care and education, and expand outdoor recreational activities on public land" I see that as the federal government recognizing the importance rural communities have in our economy and this is their extended hand in trying to make the lives for these people more...I don't know...sustainable...enjoyable...livable...just a little easier and more comfortable? Hopefully you understand what I'm trying to say even though I'm not able to find the right word.
Why I'm against it:
If life for these people is unbearable then maybe a better approach would be the 16% of Americans who live in rural communities come together in figuring out exactly what would be best for them (this many more schools, hospitals, money funded for this or that, or whatever it might be) and approaching the government in asking for help with these things because of how big of a role they play for our country.
Or, if Obama insists on having credit as the president who saved the farmers, maybe a better approach is for him to write up several different game plans on what he's willing to do to improve their lives and let THEM pick and choose to say "this would be great, this would be bad, and thank you for the help".
Because this isn't his approach I feel like he has alternative motives for this project, I guess I'll make this point number 2.
2. WAY TOO MUCH POWER/CONTROL - even if their intentions are good
DOD, VA, Homeland Security, and 23 other departments, agencies, and offices. This really has me questioning what the underlying motive for this EO is. They've got a lot of big guns, literally and figuratively, in support just so they can "improve the quality of life" for people who, as far as I know, are very happy with their lives the way they are now. I hate the thought of becoming some conspiracy theorist or something, but the mostly likely reason I can see for this whole thing is that he is setting himself in place to be able to say "hey farmer, you're not doing this and that our way so we're going to have the Secretary of Agriculture set someone in place to take over your farm". If it came to this I think we'd be getting reports of Randy Weaver cases coming up from all over rural America, what a scary thought!
I'm sure I'll get called a few names for bringing this up but between 1928-1940 in the Soviet Union Stalin's implementation of Collectivization or "Kolkhozes" resulted in people being slaughtered so the government could have control of all the farm land. The result? Nearly 15 million died of starvation and disease (as well as many animals) and Russia's agricultural sector suffered greatly due to lack of equipment, livestock, and manpower.
I'm running out of time, I wrote a lot more than I planned to but also I didn't point out a lot of the things I was going to. I will say that just writing this pushed me to 95% against and 5% in favor, but I'm hoping lots of you will jump in with your own input to tell me where I'm possibly not opening my mind enough (whether because theirs more good to it or more bad). I do think with something like this that we're all quick to jump the gun in assuming the worst they could possibly do with this, and to a large degree that's really understandable, but I haven't yet heard of the intent on how this EO is going to be implemented and maybe it really will just be small things here and there that turn out to be in the best interest for these farmers. I certainly hope that's the case, cause the other option is... communism (???)
Agenda 21 from the UN..... you should read what's in there. While you're at it read about Soros.
"I'm sure I'll get called a few names for bringing this up but between 1928-1940 in the Soviet Union Stalin's implementation of Collectivization or "Kolkhozes" resulted in people being slaughtered so the government could have control of all the farm land. The result? Nearly 15 million died of starvation and disease (as well as many animals) and Russia's agricultural sector suffered greatly due to lack of equipment, livestock, and manpower."
This is one thought that came to my mind when I read this EO. The government controlling all of the farms. What about property rights and freedoms that our constitution guarantees. Our forefathers would have been lined up in the streets with their muskets if the government tried this crap. We better wake up. You know why so many people starved....the government killed the farmers.