white Tail
11/18/07 10:06am
I know some people cringe at the thought of white tail being in Utah , but i would love to see more of them in Cache Valley . They don't compete with mule deer habitat . Plus if we had some white tail it would take some of the hunting pressure off the struggling mule deer. White tail have been see in small numbers here in cache valley. There is a photo o a small one killed a few years ago with a muzzle loader , and i talked to a DWR biologist and a conservation officer who have see them here and by Bear lake .
I would love to see a bad boy like this in my area !!!!!!! :thumb

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v636/rgkempton/everthing%20else/DC75DF98B25449FE85B349D2399499FD.jpg " alt="" />
I would love to see a bad boy like this in my area !!!!!!! :thumb

I'm not sure how I feel about this one to be honest. I think in certain areas they may do okay or not compete with Mule Deer. But to be honest I'm not so sure it's a great idea. Not that I'm against Whitetails, because I'm not...but not sure we have the habitat overall to maintain them.
I'd actually like the chance someday to put a tag on one.
My son Cody and i may plan a hunt for whitetail with our muzzys, when he returns from serving a church mission . I saw a few nice White Tail bucks in Wyoming by the south fork of the Shoshone river many years ago.
I understand that Idaho has a good population of white tail .