white Tail

I know some people cringe at the thought of white tail being in Utah , but i would love to see more of them in Cache Valley . They don't compete with mule deer habitat . Plus if we had some white tail it would take some of the hunting pressure off the struggling mule deer. White tail have been see in small numbers here in cache valley. There is a photo o a small one killed a few years ago with a muzzle loader , and i talked to a DWR biologist and a conservation officer who have see them here and by Bear lake .

I would love to see a bad boy like this in my area !!!!!!! :thumb

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v636/rgkempton/everthing%20else/DC75DF98B25449FE85B349D2399499FD.jpg" alt="" />
i know some people that seen a little whitey buck in midway last year. Dont know if its still around there or not
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I have looked for them with out any success , but its like looking for a needle in a hay stack . They have come down from Idaho into cache valley . One good thing about white tail , they are like Brooke trout and can survive anywhere .
Come to MT and shoot a few of ours ,they are EVERYWHERE.
That's a big ole Whitetail for sure.

I'm not sure how I feel about this one to be honest. I think in certain areas they may do okay or not compete with Mule Deer. But to be honest I'm not so sure it's a great idea. Not that I'm against Whitetails, because I'm not...but not sure we have the habitat overall to maintain them.


I'd actually like the chance someday to put a tag on one.
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The biologist i talked to, said they have no plan on stopping the white tail from coming in on thier own , unless the population got to a point that they destroyed crops. The white tail that are here are in the river bottoms and farm land . The white tail sure seem to be a hardy-er and prolific species. The mule deer population is very low and i sure don't see it getting any better with homes being built in the foothills/winter range. The biologist i talked to didn't think they would compete for the same area's . Not sure what the answer is , but it sure would be nice to have a nice corn fed white tail buck in the freezer !! :thumb
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"NONYA" wrote:Come to MT and shoot a few of ours ,they are EVERYWHERE.
I would sure like to someday !!

My son Cody and i may plan a hunt for whitetail with our muzzys, when he returns from serving a church mission . I saw a few nice White Tail bucks in Wyoming by the south fork of the Shoshone river many years ago.

I understand that Idaho has a good population of white tail .
we have them mixed here and they seem to be doin just fine but they do inerbreed and it makes for some wierd looking antlers sometimes
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We have some white tails here at Ft Carson Co. There are a couple of nice bucks. I had a white tail doe come to within 10 yards of me while I was elk hunting. She was bigger than a lot of the mule deer does we have here. I think I may try for a white tail next year if a I am lucky enough to draw a deer tag. I tagged a mule deer doe during a snow storm on opening day. Lots of good meat and I realy love that back strap.