Whitetail hunting dummy here
1/22/09 8:51pm
Hey you whitetail gurus, never shot one, finally decided that I want one. I have no desire to hunt with a guide. I like my alone time on a hunt. any Ideas from you Pro's out there? I am from Utah, looking for a state with some public ground and a fighting chance at a deer. I am picky with my mule deer, suppose I would be the same with whitetail. Any Ideas?
The second best place in the state is the Northwest part of the state, where the prairie meets the woodlands. Near the towns of Bemidji, Alexandria, Ottertail, etc...there are public lands that receive pressure from gun hunters...but nothing like the Southeast. The state forest land in the NW has parcels that are thousands of acres...hunt deep get there a couple days early to set up camp and hang your stands. Check my post in December of the whitetail I took this year in SE Minnesota. That deer was taken on private land. If you want more info...send me a PM and I will give you some more specific details.
Good luck
Tommy Coley
Good luck :thumb
If Minnesota doesn't interest you, I would still go with a midwest state. Iowa has probably the best whitetail herd in the nation with many great bucks being taken there every year, but getting drawn is an issue here whereas other states are OTC. The gun season is held after the rut here, which helps bucks survive to an age where they will have large antlers. Wisconsin and Illinois also hold huge bucks. I don't know how much public land is available in these other states though.