
:dumb I have a question that may or may not be stupid. I have a tag for Antlered deer in reg D in wyoming. My question is can I take either whitetail or mule deer ?Are their whitetail in this area?

Also in the first of october has the rut started or are the bucks still looking for food in stead of does? ](*,)
I am not super familiar with that particular region in the northeast corner of wyoming. however, being a wyoming resident my whole life, i can tell you to double check your regulations, because if they allowed for either muley or whitetail to be taken, it will be specifically pointed out in your regulations. if there is any confusion my guess would be that no, they don't allow either species. now, on the other hand there is an area by my hometown that allows for any whitetail or antlered muleys to be taken. so, those areas are out there! just double check your regulations or call the state office for the game and fish as they have always been a huge help to me. as far as your second question, october is pretty early for the deer around here to be rutting. at least an all out rut. they may have begun the annual ritual but they are not in full swing until closer to november and mid-november.
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Thanks for the info.
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I have a landowner tag for region A which is also in the NE corner of the state. On the particular ranch that we hunt there is more whitetails than there are Muleys. I usually find the Muleys in the larger canyons and broken country. The whitetails are more found in the rolling hills/farm country, although I have seen them intermingle w/each other. Our tags are good for either species but I would double check the regs. as I don't know about your specific area. We have taken some real nice bucks of both species in this area. Good Luck