Who buys horns and for how much?

Yeah I'm looking to sell all my horns this year but I was just wondering who is buying and if they're going for a decent price this year.
Theres a kid on KSL that buys sheds.. They are not even worth selling this year.. I talked to him a month ago.. Dont quote me but im sure he said fresh elk were around $3.00 a pound..

Let me know if you have nice elk sheds to want to sell, I want to make a chandlier and need about 10 more..
Shoot me a email-Antlersoutwest@yahoo.com
wow three bucks a pound isn't worth selling at all and I'm from so. Utah and mainly only have deer horns but I'm planning on a couple trips up to central Utah and I'll be sure to let you know if I find some good ones to sell ya.