Who does your big game taxidermy work?

I was wondering who you all trusted to do your big game taxidermy? We have had the Ogden's in Richfield do an elk and it looks great, but I am going to need to mount 2 antelope this fall. I was wondering who you trusted and if possible some pictures of your mounts would be great!
You have seen mine, the guy did a good job but lives clear out in Toole, I think you can find someone closer to home and not cost anymore.

Im stoked to go with you guys on your speedgoat hunt this year, its going to be a blast.
Twin Pine Taxidermy! He did my 06 Antelope and I could not be happier. He has also done a few other things for me and I will keep taking my stuff back to him. He is out of Marysville, which is not to far from Richfield. It wont cost you near the money the ogden boys charge, but you will still get a quality mount back. If you are interested in more info, feel free to PM me, and I can get you his contact info.
Here are a couple of the mounts that he has done for me.

http://i394.photobucket.com/albums/pp21/SomeBone/010-1.jpg" alt="" />
http://i394.photobucket.com/albums/pp21/SomeBone/Euro.jpg" alt="" />
http://i394.photobucket.com/albums/pp21/SomeBone/001-4.jpg" alt="" />
My wife does mine and Nonyas.She does great work and saves me alot of money.
I would recomend Tyler Anderson he is in sandy does great work
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Another vote for Twin Pines in Marysvale. Short turn around, fair pricing and quality work.
http://i291.photobucket.com/albums/ll312/Ryno_UT/PICT0346_344-1.jpg" alt="" />
2002 Parker Mtn. Archery
I'm definitely not trying to jack this thread.. but since it somewhat relates,

BIG R, I'm not sure if I just missed it or I don't remember it. But I swear I've never seen or heard about that monster buck on your profile picture. You need to post that up pronto, preferably before next Tuesday so I can see it lol

And someguy01, I love that coyote mount. I've always kinda wanted to mount one, but didn't want just a shoulder mount on one (and not willing to pay for a life size). More than likely I'll be stealing that idea from you next decent yote I take.

Keep the pics coming all! (Again, sorry for posting unrelated stuff. I wont make it a habit)
I've only ever had one animal mounted. I went with Above Camp Taxidermy, in Lehi, UT on the recommedation of a friend. I was very pleased with the work and the turn around time.
Just in case you're wondering the ear was torn up while the buck was on the hoof. Probably from fighting. I asked that the ear remain torn for character. There's also bits of velvet left on the brow tines and under side of the main beams. I wanted that left too.
hound hunter go to Big R and friends past few years in campfire talk to see the pics :thumb
"NotEnufTags" wrote:I've only ever had one animal mounted. I went with Above Camp Taxidermy, in Lehi, UT on the recommedation of a friend. I was very pleased with the work and the turn around time.
Just in case you're wondering the ear was torn up while the buck was on the hoof. Probably from fighting. I asked that the ear remain torn for character. There's also bits of velvet left on the brow tines and under side of the main beams. I wanted that left too.
dang the is one heck of a buck NOTENOUGHTAGS!!! i see it all the time in your avatar, but the up close shots always remind me how big he is! so, lets just every month or so just throw a random pic of him up for reminders!

ditto to you to BIGR, another friekin toad.
I have only had one animal mounted as well. It was the buck I shot after being over seas for 1 year and 9 month and was a very special hunt with my dad. I had full draw taxidermy do it for me. They did a great job considering the shape the cape was in. Unfortunatley it was very warm that year and some of the cape had to be trimmed down so the neck isn't as big on the mount as it really was. They did a great job considering though.
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Looks good sneekeepete... Here is another mount I had done by Twin Pines. These were 2 year old white sheds when I gave them to him.
http://i291.photobucket.com/albums/ll312/Ryno_UT/IMG_1317.jpg" alt="" />
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DEADI, whats the name of the guy in toole that did your stuff? i have Dirk Bawden of Big Stuff in Erda do all of my my work! he is one of the best, if not the best in the state imo. he did my 2004 utah archery goat and it is increadible. it has its mouth open just a tiny bit so you can see the bottom teeth if you are paying atention. i didn't ask for anythinc specific i just let him take th reigns and i was completly happy with it!
RynoUT, the brisket is all wrong on your deer. He ran the light color of the pit to far out. Other than that, the face looks good. Most people would never know it, but I have one the same way and it bothers the heck out of me. I'm sure he has learned his lesson on that now I'm sure.
"grimreaper" wrote:DEADI, whats the name of the guy in toole that did your stuff? i have Dirk Bawden of Big Stuff in Erda do all of my my work! he is one of the best, if not the best in the state imo. he did my 2004 utah archery goat and it is increadible. it has its mouth open just a tiny bit so you can see the bottom teeth if you are paying atention. i didn't ask for anythinc specific i just let him take th reigns and i was completly happy with it!
The guy that did our antelope and my dads elk is Jim Ekins. We were pretty happy with his work.
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"GUTPYLZ" wrote:RynoUT, the brisket is all wrong on your deer. He ran the light color of the pit to far out. Other than that, the face looks good. Most people would never know it, but I have one the same way and it bothers the heck out of me. I'm sure he has learned his lesson on that now I'm sure.
I know what you are talking about and I think it's the form. It's as if the top of the legs were built in to the form, something you don't see on most mounts.