Who is a major part of this site?

Of course if we didnt have Brett this site wouldnt even exist. So i thankyou for running this site and keeping it friendly to all. But another person who makes this site so great i believe is AGCHAWK along with many others.But If he wasnt here and a question came up that nobody knew the answer to who would we turn to?lol. So come on everybody who do you think is a major part of this site and how do they affect it?
Yup, for sure this site would not be the same without Hawk. And there are lots of others. Not going to start a list for fear of missing some one. :-k
hawk is deffinatly an ALL-STAR! but as a whole, everyone is great!
Well I appreciate the "shout-out" bigbuck, but I would agree with Wayne and Killer.

I think the biggest reason this site is as popular as it is is rather simple...there isn't another hunting site (that I've found) with so many folks that are willing to help another hunter out.

The sharing of hunting info, hunting areas, knowledge of techniques and equipment, and basic kindness is what makes it great.

We may not always agree, and that's cool. Acceptance is the key though and understanding of another's point of view.

I don't think I'd hesistate for a second to hit the field with a lot of the guys and gals here. In fact, there are a few that I'd LOVE to go hunting with if I had the chance.
That's saying something considering I am pretty picky about who I hang out with...especially when they carry a loaded weapon!
"AGCHAWK" wrote:Well I appreciate the "shout-out" bigbuck, but I would agree with Wayne and Killer.

I think the biggest reason this site is as popular as it is is rather simple...there isn't another hunting site (that I've found) with so many folks that are willing to help another hunter out.

The sharing of hunting info, hunting areas, knowledge of techniques and equipment, and basic kindness is what makes it great.

We may not always agree, and that's cool. Acceptance is the key though and understanding of another's point of view.

I don't think I'd hesistate for a second to hit the field with a lot of the guys and gals here. In fact, there are a few that I'd LOVE to go hunting with if I had the chance.
[u]That's saying something considering I am pretty picky about who I hang out with...especially when they carry a loaded weapon[/u]!

+1 Hawk.
HAWK is a good one for sure

Bigbuck, your right there at the top as well. If it wasnt for you, who could we tease! :)

There is A LOT of top notch people on this site. And TRUST ME, I appreciate every last one of you and wouldn't hesitate for a second to 'hit the hills' with some of you.

So THANKS for everyone you contributes and shares!

Here is an email I just got from James Lyons from Alberta, Canada that illustrates my point...
Brett, Thanks so Much for posting my deer and moose pictures.
My son Kyle was very happy to see his picture on the internet.
If Possible can you put his name in the deer photo. it was his first
Successful Mule deer hunt with me. (we only shot the big ones)
Thanks Again. we love your web site.

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Yes, thanks Brett, I am glad I got to meet you at last years AntlerFest and hope you will be there next year. I enjoy all the posts from everyone and also like sharing all mine.

Great job to MuleyMadness =D> =D> :thumb
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Yeah, this is a great site. None of the "I'm better than you" attitude like most of the other sites.
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Wait a minute now!! =;
Hawk just said that everyone on this site helps each other and even BB92 was mentioned as one of the top on here!! (???) :>/

He sure didn't help ME out with his "secret info" about where i could find a descent buck out n the Book Cliff's!! ](*,)

He's sure got a lot of sucking up to do in MY book!!! :222

J/k BB, your ok for a basinite!! :thumb
lol i tell ya what. if you draw out again ill show ya were that big 200 buck was taken.haha
and yes sir im very proud to be from the UINTAH BASIN!!! o yea.haha
skull krazy,

has bigbuck been holding out on us? does he have something to show?

Lot of good folks posting here......not like some other sites. I've seen some good info posted over the years.....I hope to see more when I finally draw my Book Cliffs archery tag! :)
Book Cliffs Roy? I thought you were putting in for Paunsaugunt? How many points do you have?
I was......but I think I'll have better odds of drawing before I'm 50 by putting in for the Cliffs. ](*,) I believe I have 6 points....

You may already know about this but here is a link that shows the draw results for this year. The thing I like about this one is that it breaks it down to bonus points also. That way when you figure out how many points you have you can see where you fall into the group of the hunt that you put in for.


Also here is the link that will show you how many points you have.


I hope that this info helps.
Hey thanks nut.....great links!
The thing that I think makes this site so great, in my opinion, is that it's made up of so many regular guys. There aren't a bunch of prima donnas trying to claim there was is the only way, or how great they are or their guide service is. Additionally, I'm not sure I've seen another site where there weren't at least a few a-holes that just say negative things to everybody, or deliberately stir the pot just to upset everyone for sport! For whatever reason, this site has just attracted a lot of great people; let's hope it stays that way. :thumb

"StickFlicker" wrote:The thing that I think makes this site so great, in my opinion, is that it's made up of so many regular guys. There aren't a bunch of prima donnas trying to claim there was is the only way, or how great they are or their guide service is. Additionally, I'm not sure I've seen another site where there weren't at least a few a-holes that just say negative things to everybody, or deliberately stir the pot just to upset everyone for sport! For whatever reason, this site has just attracted a lot of great people; let's hope it stays that way. :thumb

couldn't have said it better myself!
Ive kind of made this my hang out recently because I've just noticed that all you guys are great.
You can actually say things and ask questions on here and people are very respectful and kind.
Some other sites you just seem to be on eggshells with every post cringing and waiting for someone to flame on you :>/
I apppreciate you guys very much.
:thumb Thank you!