Who is ready for some soft water?

I am ready to go flip some flys around up at strawberry and scofield. Who else is ready for some soft water fishing. Hope the ice disapears soon.
"DeadI" wrote:I am ready to go flip some flys around up at strawberry and scofield. Who else is ready for some soft water fishing. Hope the ice disapears soon.
You have an elk tag in your pocket, no need to fish this year :) :)

me on the other hand, im getting excited for some fishing, but its gonna be another 2 months or so before i can get to the honey holes

I will make time to wet a line as well as look for my elk.
I want to hit the Boulder Mtns. when they open, hopefully I can convince someone to go with me. :)
Sounds like fun, If i can find the time i would love to soak a fly up there on them big of brookies.
"MuleyMadness" wrote:I want to hit the Boulder Mtns. when they open, hopefully I can convince someone to go with me. :)
Well since Utah is requiring us to purchase a hunting license in order to get into the draw, I decided to step up and get the NR combo hunting & fishing license. I was hoping I could talk some of you into a fishing trip to the Flaming Gorge or somewhere else. Those brookies sound like a fun time too.
"Hiker" wrote:
MuleyMadness wrote:I want to hit the Boulder Mtns. when they open, hopefully I can convince someone to go with me. :)
Well since Utah is requiring us to purchase a hunting license in order to get into the draw, I decided to step up and get the NR combo hunting & fishing license. I was hoping I could talk some of you into a fishing trip to the Flaming Gorge or somewhere else. Those brookies sound like a fun time too.

I might be up for a trip to the Flaming Gorge
I will take you out on my boat if you want we usually try to fish once a week but with gas prices it will probly be once a month but im always open to fish with new people i heard there is soft water at Hyrum and a few boats have been on there
Thanks BB & Muley7MM, I appreciate it. Come summer, lets plan it. :thumb