Who knows Wyomings Regulations Well??

I was reading an article last night in Western Hunter about a guy that hunts Western Wyoming for deer. In the article he said that he hunted the Archery season and found his deer but wasn't able to connect but when he went back up for the rifle season he was able to get the deer he was after. I have hunted Wyoming for the last 6 years but it has always been rifle. I did some reading on the Wyoming Fish and Game website to see what info I could find on this. I wasn't able to find everything I was looking for but by the sounds of what I read it seems like if you draw an any weapon deer or antelope tag you can then purchase an Archery License and hunt Archery until the season opens for any weapon. Does anyone know the regulations well enough to explain this a little better to me? I would also love to know the cost on this "archery license". Thank you in advance.
Buy a $30(non. res, maybe it was $35) archery license and hunt pretty much all of sept. with a bow, depending on area.
Region G and H both start Sept 15th. Im assuming the archery starts Sept 1st?