Who's hunting ELK in Colorado?
6/17/04 7:27am
Just wondering who is going ELK hunting in CO? 8)
where and when are you going
what are you using 8)
public,private,guided,unguided etc :D
where and when are you going
what are you using 8)
public,private,guided,unguided etc :D
I hunted on BLM land. Found myself looking at a lot of critters on private land all season. Nice critters a couple very nice muleys. Not my deal to hunt private land. A lot of public land......a lot of road hunters, but not may people out where they should be hunting.
Hunted first week of Nov. Can get snow and rain. Which make the in/out roads almost unusable because of the grease like clay. If your without chains.....have a nice slide.
I purchased the Elk license over the counter. I did apply for a harder zone on draw. Ended up taking prefer points....which is fine, since you can get a Bull Elk license anytime for most zones.
Also drew Buck Mule Deer for same zone. It also covered a couple of other zones. Saw my share of mule deer bucks, but with 5 cubic feet of elk in the freezer I wasn't meat hunting and 3 point 16" wide muleys don't do it for me. Only hunted four days. I have made adjustments this year with a full week scheduled.
Found a really useful tool on Draw and Harvest for Colorado. The DOW puts out a CD with Maps/Draw/Harvest etc. A basic version is around $50. You can almost perdict where you will have no problems with a draw or where your not even close to a draw. Saves a lot of frustation when your expecting a license.
Good luck