who wants to fix the deer herds?
The Ox
12/13/11 5:48pm
So i was discussing a few options too further help influence the micro managment success on another Website
I am wondering how many of you would be interested in this idea so give me some feedback
I am wanting to start strictly volunteer deer clubs.
Basically we can start a club for each unit and whoever wants to join can. The purpLose is to help mule deer.
The idea is to work with the dwr biologists and CO's basically one DWR CO/Bio will be assigned a unit. For example a pine valley club will be headed by dwr biologest joe shmo, he identifies the pine valley herds main issues and informs us of projects that need to be fixed on that unit to help the herd. We as club memebers put our time into fixing the problem. Because the mule deer decline can be specific per herd such as : monroe may have predator issues causing decline while pine valley has lack of winter range due to PJ enroachment. Monroes club might be encouraged to go hunt coyotes/predators. Pine valley club will be assigned trimming trees in certain areas to create better winter range in specific areas. basically since the dwr doesnt have the funding and man power to do this alone we are working alongside of them for the satisfaction of doing our part in improving the herd. since we are micro managing now we can focus on places a lot better and keep track of data and trends and find unit specific problems to work on instead of trying to decide why the whole region/state is struggling we can fine tune each unit.
I personallly think this would be great. Yes its similar to dedicated hunter program. Id still be in favor of DH but the DH will be part of the club for the unit they have tags for.
I think if we all work together and try to fix each herds problems we can help the struggling herds.
I think if each unit had even 10-20 guys alot of things could be accomplished to help that herd. imagine what 50 guys could accomplish 50 guys go all around the unit getting the coyote problem in check, 50 guys trimming trees, or 50 guys building guzzlers if water is the problem, 50 guys could accomplish alot of stuff to help deer in a short time.
he time for pointing fingers is over we need to do something to fix it. whats done is done we cant change the past but we can fix the future. so instead of whining go do something about it
Many of you say you want you kids, grandkids etc to enjoy hunting well this is something that can help to insure that happens. So my question is how many of you would be interested in joining a club like this? The only return you would get is knowing your doing what you can to help the herd and not sitting and whining, but actually doing something. the reason the dwr needs to be invloved is because we as hunters can not just go trim trees, plant browse, build guzzlers, cut sagebrush, etc without proper authorization. Also the Dwr officer will have unit specific data where attention is needed in the unit to help keep projects better organized.
So 30 clubs all assigned a specific unit all headed by a specific DWR personnel in charge of assigning duties for deer club memebers to improve the specific needs of a specific herd, and all labor donated by sportsmen who want to find the solution. I mean look at the PR a project like this could have to show the antis that we really do care. Or show people on the fence whether hunters are good or not by showing what we do for wildlife. showing them we volunteer our time to fix wildlife issues while expecting nothing in return
PLease no comments saying negative things, if you disagree simply say i dont think it would work and i am not interested in volunteering my time to help improve deer herds.
I am wondering how many of you would be interested in this idea so give me some feedback
I am wanting to start strictly volunteer deer clubs.
Basically we can start a club for each unit and whoever wants to join can. The purpLose is to help mule deer.
The idea is to work with the dwr biologists and CO's basically one DWR CO/Bio will be assigned a unit. For example a pine valley club will be headed by dwr biologest joe shmo, he identifies the pine valley herds main issues and informs us of projects that need to be fixed on that unit to help the herd. We as club memebers put our time into fixing the problem. Because the mule deer decline can be specific per herd such as : monroe may have predator issues causing decline while pine valley has lack of winter range due to PJ enroachment. Monroes club might be encouraged to go hunt coyotes/predators. Pine valley club will be assigned trimming trees in certain areas to create better winter range in specific areas. basically since the dwr doesnt have the funding and man power to do this alone we are working alongside of them for the satisfaction of doing our part in improving the herd. since we are micro managing now we can focus on places a lot better and keep track of data and trends and find unit specific problems to work on instead of trying to decide why the whole region/state is struggling we can fine tune each unit.
I personallly think this would be great. Yes its similar to dedicated hunter program. Id still be in favor of DH but the DH will be part of the club for the unit they have tags for.
I think if we all work together and try to fix each herds problems we can help the struggling herds.
I think if each unit had even 10-20 guys alot of things could be accomplished to help that herd. imagine what 50 guys could accomplish 50 guys go all around the unit getting the coyote problem in check, 50 guys trimming trees, or 50 guys building guzzlers if water is the problem, 50 guys could accomplish alot of stuff to help deer in a short time.
he time for pointing fingers is over we need to do something to fix it. whats done is done we cant change the past but we can fix the future. so instead of whining go do something about it
Many of you say you want you kids, grandkids etc to enjoy hunting well this is something that can help to insure that happens. So my question is how many of you would be interested in joining a club like this? The only return you would get is knowing your doing what you can to help the herd and not sitting and whining, but actually doing something. the reason the dwr needs to be invloved is because we as hunters can not just go trim trees, plant browse, build guzzlers, cut sagebrush, etc without proper authorization. Also the Dwr officer will have unit specific data where attention is needed in the unit to help keep projects better organized.
So 30 clubs all assigned a specific unit all headed by a specific DWR personnel in charge of assigning duties for deer club memebers to improve the specific needs of a specific herd, and all labor donated by sportsmen who want to find the solution. I mean look at the PR a project like this could have to show the antis that we really do care. Or show people on the fence whether hunters are good or not by showing what we do for wildlife. showing them we volunteer our time to fix wildlife issues while expecting nothing in return
PLease no comments saying negative things, if you disagree simply say i dont think it would work and i am not interested in volunteering my time to help improve deer herds.
The problem you have is this is on public land, thus state or federal property. Leases in the south are on private land. Before you can organize something like this you would need cooperation from the "owners" of the property.
I am all for what you are proposing, just not sure if you know the red tape you may be facing.
Great Idea for sure. Have you talked with anyone in the DWR about this?
Sneekee I have emailed the dwr and waiting for a return email. but i thought i would see who was all interested and if other people thought it was a good idea in the mean time so i could have a little leverage.
Our biggest problems will likely be blm and FS problems in allowing habitat improvements. But alot of things like guzzlers, and water improvements are do able on alot of these blm and fs lands as well as hunting coyotes are very do able too as well as a few other possibilities.
If we are able to get some things going maybe we can help put pressure on BLm to allow some restorations down the road it may be doubtful but you never know.
I'd rather do this type of project in my neck of the woods that actually is FOR deer. Not petty ridiculous projects like some for the current DH program. One I did a couple years back was literally pull weeds around plants that they planned on using around the banks of the virgin river to help with erosion control. Guess what happened to the plants, flood comes through and wipes out any living thing in the entire flood plain. What a waist of time IMO. :))
Anyway back to the real issue, I think it would be very difficult to actually put into place and make happen. Most guys just simply aren't willing to do it. Plain and simple IMO. Sure some are, but it's like pulling teeth to get people out.
Plus I think you could do lots of things like this you mentioned and the deer herds will still struggle unless we get SERIOUS about this kind of stuff. We are trying to put band aides on certain issues that need a tourniquet IMO.
Like this I just received via Eastsmans...
I think that this is exactly how the new system will be successful. If you want a say in how "your " unit is ran, then you should get involved and see what will make "your" unit a better place to hunt. What will grow more deer what is hurting and what will help. It will take focused efforts and dedication. So I'm in!!!! I want to see how many little red hens we have out there? Plenty of bitching right now, lets see who iswilling to actually put forth the effort to save our herds.
:thumb :thumb :thumb :thumb :thumb