Who won this fight the deer or the human
1/22/07 4:45pm
Apparently the guy wanted to impress friends by showing how he could call a rutting blacktail into bow range and film it(Although he IS carrying a bow in the video, he was NOT hunting. He had it as a prop for the video). He covered himself in doe estrus and layed scent markers around and starting calling. Well, the buck came charging in lookin' for a fight and found this guy instead. Nobody is sure exactly WHY the buck attacked (Probably saw him as a threat vice a challenging buck since he used his hooves a LOT more than his antlers) but once it attacked it wouldn't stop.
At first he wasn't too worried about it and neither was his wife, who was filming the "stunt". However, he didn't realize that the buck was not only NOT afraid of him, the buck apparently didn't want to stop until the threat was extinguished. (I never did hear why his wife didn't drop the camera and try to help...LOL)
Anyway, just about the time that the guy thought he was exhausted and done for the buck turned and went back into the underbrush, satisfied that the guy was no longer a threat.
If you look on scent bottles most have warnings about putting the stuff on your cloths and skin in case this happens. Never noticed whether or not those warnings were on there BEFORE this incident or once it became public knowledge that this happened....either way I think of this video every time I pick up a scent bottle.