Whose applying in the Draws this year?
3/21/06 10:59am
So far I have put in for......
Colorado, 4th Season Deer-1st Season Elk-Pronghorn Buck and hope to Bow hunt Elk too.
Montana, Combo Elk-Deer tag. I plan on Bow hunting them and then going back with a rifle if unsuccessful.
Utah, Elk LE- OIL Moose- Preference Point for Deer.
Wyoming, Points for Deer-Elk-Pronghorns. I plan on purchasing leftover tags for Deer & Speedgoats for my Bride, Daughter and Myself.
Kansas, Whitetail Buck- Rifle.
Iowa PP.
North Dakota Bonus Point.
I wanted to apply for New Mexico Ibex, Coues WT, Wapiti but I'm out of time.
How about the rest of you?
Colorado, 4th Season Deer-1st Season Elk-Pronghorn Buck and hope to Bow hunt Elk too.
Montana, Combo Elk-Deer tag. I plan on Bow hunting them and then going back with a rifle if unsuccessful.
Utah, Elk LE- OIL Moose- Preference Point for Deer.
Wyoming, Points for Deer-Elk-Pronghorns. I plan on purchasing leftover tags for Deer & Speedgoats for my Bride, Daughter and Myself.
Kansas, Whitetail Buck- Rifle.
Iowa PP.
North Dakota Bonus Point.
I wanted to apply for New Mexico Ibex, Coues WT, Wapiti but I'm out of time.
How about the rest of you?
I have a point for MT combo. Also a point for MT antelope.
If I draw the combo there's no time for anything else, becouse it means 4 or five trips to MT.
If you hit on your MT combo, what part of the state will you be hunting?
Mule deer will be in the Missouri Breaks. And on two private ranches in North Central Mt. How about you?
preferance point for rifle elk
ragular draw for
archery elk
prairie deer
archery deer
black hills deer
mountain goat
all in S.D.
Hoping to get the time to go chase the javelina's down south next year.
Have you hunted RM Bighorns yet? Good luck on your Desert draw.
Goose Jr., What part of Colorado & Wyoming will you be hunting, what species, if you hit on your tag?
In WY we are hunting around Medicine Bow for antelope.
In CO..I am hunting 2 areas this year east of SteamBoat Springs and NE of Walden.
What about you???
This year in WY, NW of Buffalo.
Colorado, I put in for 1st season Bull Elk unit 214,4,441,&5.
I hope to also purchase a over the counter archery Elk tag.
4th Season Muley Buck....Western Slope!!! I'm still not telling TGWH!!!!
Pronghorn Buck Unit 135..
Sheep unit 10
Goat PP
Moose PP
Bear PP
What a beautiful animal.
CO- archery deer (will draw)
AZ- BP deer, archery elk, sheep, antelope
UT-archery paunsaguant (didn't draw)
OR-archery deer (Hart Mtn)
WY-Deer & elk Points
CA-archery deer (2 tags-will draw), Tule Elk, sheep, antelope
That's some serious hunting! :thumb
CO- Archery doe, Muzzeloader buck, Archery cow tag, Muzzeloader bull, Antelope rifle, Bear archery, mountain lion. And hopefully after 10 years of applying MOOSE. Ill know next week.
Good to see ya hiker.
Glad to see you hit on that bear tag and hope you are blessed with a Moose tag too.
I've been thinking about that big cat, that you keep seeing. Do you think he would come to a Predator call? Another way to get him would to find a fresh kill that he has made and get set up above him and wait for him to come in. Do you know anyone in that area who has dogs, who would help you kill him? That would be another idea.
You need to kill that cat while you have some deer left, otherwise you aren't going to have any deer to hunt. One good thing about having him around though is, he won't put up with any competition. Any young toms that move into his area, dies. Those Old Toms kill a lot of young cats, especially those young toms that momma just kicked out. It sounds as if he's lost his fear of man and if that is the case, you need to put him down, before he gets you or someone else.
Even if you can't afford to mount him, kill him, get him sealed by CDOW and skin him out and then freeze him until you can afford to do a full body mount. Most taxidermist take a year or so to get it finished anyway, so let them start and save up your cash. You are right about CDOW taking him, if you shoot him in self-defense but if you get a tag and wack him, he's yours. Let me know if you want me to come up and cover your backside when you try calling him in. We might even be able to video you getting him, that would be fun.
WA. Multi season tag- Drew
UT. LE Elk- didn't draw
CO. Deer- Pts. only
ID. Elk,Deer,Antelope-Pending
AZ.Elk, Deer,Antelope, Desert Sheep-pending
WA. Elk,Deer,Moose, Sheep, Goat-pending
NM. lottery tickets for Elk on the VC
WA raffle tickets for Deer, Elk , Moose, Sheep and Goat
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