Why I hunt Mule Deer
5/29/04 8:12pm
I was recently e-mailed a question from a fellow MM member living in whitetail country that asked why I love to hunt mule deer so much. After giving it some thought I was finally able to somewhat express it here on my keyboard. I wonder if many here feel the same way as I?
Mule Deer:
Since I began hunting Mule Deer with a bow some 28 years ago, I’ve come to realize the inevitable. They are truly most unpredictable and nomadic, trying the patience of even the most skilled bowman. If not for their ability to sense danger at the most inopportune moment, the vast and remote country they choose to reside, or their incredible ears detecting the smallest decibels, I would have many adorning my wall. However, it is because of their behavior I find myself haunting their domains freely and annually with nothing more than a bow & arrow in my hand. They are a true representative of a wild era lost to progression.
BOHNTR )))------------------>
Mule Deer:
Since I began hunting Mule Deer with a bow some 28 years ago, I’ve come to realize the inevitable. They are truly most unpredictable and nomadic, trying the patience of even the most skilled bowman. If not for their ability to sense danger at the most inopportune moment, the vast and remote country they choose to reside, or their incredible ears detecting the smallest decibels, I would have many adorning my wall. However, it is because of their behavior I find myself haunting their domains freely and annually with nothing more than a bow & arrow in my hand. They are a true representative of a wild era lost to progression.
BOHNTR )))------------------>
Something about a large Mule Deer buck. Such pretty animals.
Mule Deer are kinda like snowflakes! (In my opinion, if you've seen a whitetail, you've seen em all. obviously with a few exeptions.) Mule Deer have so much more character.
1. Keen sense of smell, can be hundreds of yards away....catch wind and jump up snorting and take off instantly from a sniff of human scent. Amazing
2. Hearing, incredible ears. The slightest of noise can send them bounding on the dead run.
3. Every buck acts, looks, a little bit different.
4. They get smarter and smater with age. I watched a big buck get wounded one year and completely disappear the next year. Like BOHNTR said he went solely "nomadic".
I'm just plain fascinated with them, of course it takes a larger one to get me excited these days. My heart doesn't race on a good ole 2-point like it use to. :)
Like I stated earlier, I agree with the reasons already posted but there is something else that really intrigues me. Mule deer seem to have more "peronallity" that the white-tail, at least in my experience. Each big buck is different, from his rack to his habits to his behaviour. To know how one buck reacts to different scenarious won't necessarily be the same way the next buck will react. They cause you to constantly change your tactics and approach because each one is unique.
I don't know though, I COULD be blowing smoke. I will admit, I'm rather jaded in my views and these observations could be all in my mind....BUT DON'T SPOIL IT! I rather enjoy seeing each buck as an individual rather than just "another nice buck".
well first off no affense to all the whitetail hunters out there but MULIES are just the most awesome deer out there. you get a sickness when seeing a muley, the good ole case of buck fever. im hooked for life hunting this great animal an i have alot of respect for the muley also. mulies an elk make my world go round lol now if i could only get my girlfriend to go up hunting with me lol i dont care if the muley has a rack or not i just love watching them an stalking them to see their every move. one mintue ur in awe than the next they have disappeared an you look an look an look but cant find em anywhere. they can lay down in oak brush an not be seen for hours even though they are in the same place. well anyhow i think hunting in general if its huntign whitetail or birds or mulies or elk or etc... is just a great experience in itself.
Great story....Welcome aboard!
BOHNTR )))---------------->