Wide Sheds.
11/22/08 1:23pm
These sheds are from about 4 years ago. My brother hit this buck with his muzzoloader the year it was packing around this set. My dad was watching a coyote and a couple crows eating a rabbit. When the sun came up the left side appeared like it was a lightbulb and the sun had turned it on. My dad looked for the other side for about a week after that. We watched this buck for about three years. A kid that lived up the street from us had found the other side and we got it off of him by trading about a $200 scope for it. Two years after my brother hit this deer it got hit by a car right as it was starting to grow. It had gotten to where it first forks off the main beam and was already 24 in. wide. We could tell it was him after it got hit by car by looking at where my brother hit him and on its front right hoof about 3/8ths of it had been rubbed off. We measured him and got 195- 200. We figured it was 37-38 wide. It has a 15 in inline on the left side.
thanks for looking.
thanks for looking.

11/22/08 2:57pm
Sweet buck, bummer on the car hit.

11/22/08 8:30pm
Thats too bad he got taken out by a car, I LOVE inlines! gnarly lookin things! Congrats on gettin the set

11/27/08 9:59am
love it