Wife's First Deer (pics)
1/2/17 6:58pm
My wife (Anne) started the New Year with her very first deer in Arizona. She stalked in on him as he was bedded with his 6 does. When he got up, she sent an arrow through him at 45 yards. It was just before dark, and the hit was a liver shot, so we decided to back out and trail him first thing the next morning. When we found him she was PUMPED! My grown kids got to come for the recovery.

https://scontent-atl3-1.xx.fbcdn.net/v/t31.0-8/15874902_820090888128809_3907218865570106131_o.jpg?oh=31cc7c501ac63ea0a63057bb94bb26f6&oe=58EE55DC " alt="" />
