Wife's success!
10/28/10 8:43am
Well we had a hard hunt. The weather just did not want to cooperate where we were hunting. The first day we hiked into our predecided spot. Took us about an hour and a half to get up to below the cliffs and right on the edge of the pines. We had an awesome spot where we would be able to glass a lot of mountain. Well after about 2 hours, all we saw were 3 deer. A doe and 2 fawns. The whole morning fog kept coming in and out and rained off and on. And the weather just kept getting worse. So it ended up pushing us off the mountain. We got soaked head to toe and all our gear too. Still fun, but wet. So we tried again in a different location that night. Nothing. The next day we tried our spot again. This time instead of rain we got snowed on. Thought this would help us seem something but still nothing. So once again we made the long hike back to the truck empty handed without seeing a buck. So day 4 of hunting rolled around with still not having seen a buck. So we loaded up the 4 wheeler and figured we'd try to take some trails a little further up in and glass for a couple hours. Still no luck. So thinking we were going to go the whole hunt without seeing a buck, we jumped back on the wheeler and started heading towards the truck and I decided to try one more trail. As we were heading up my wife sees a deer on the side of the hill in a bunch of cedars about 200 yds off the road. So I hurry and jump off the wheeler and look through the binos and tell her "we got a buck!!" So she jumps off the wheeler and gets her gun in her shooting sticks and lines up. As I looked around the buck to see if anything else was there my wife got him in the crosshairs. I couldn't see anything else and so I ranged him at 210 yds and told my wife she can take the shot. She comes back "Are you sure it's a buck?"..."Yes!" The buck had stopped broadside in between two cedar trees and there was just enough of him that a shot was possible but it blocked part of his head so his antlers were now hidden in the branches. But I knew it was a buck and told her it looked like a tall 2 point. So she squeezed off a round and the buck dropped right where he stood. "Crap!" is what I said cause right after she shot, another buck jumped out from behind a thick cedar tree that I hadn't seen at all. Luckly he looked about the same size as the one my wife just dropped. My wife thought I said crap cause the deer she had just shot was a doe. Lol. But I told her what had happened and she was like I thought I saw another deer. So I was like "Why didn't you tell me?!" She was like "I guess I thought I did but must have just thought it!" But either way, we had a buck down! So we made our way up to the buck. As my wife came around the cedar tree and she saw him she got way excited and was like he's a 3 point! So that was a nice little suprise. So after some pictures the work began. But my wife had her second buck and we are way happy with him. Not the monster that we were after but we worked our butts off and dealt with the crappy weather so this buck will have some good stories with it. Later that afternoon, my wife's dad and little brother came over to look at the deer and we told him where we got it and maybe to try over there for a buck for her little brother. Luck was on our side and he was able to get a little 2x3 in the same area. It was his first buck and awesome to see him be able to get so excited about getting one. So after some long hard hunting the season is finally over. We were able to get 2 great bucks this year. One on the bow hunt and now my wife got one too. Great season with lots of memories and lots of time spent with my best friend in the mountains chasing muleys! I'm lucky to have a wife who loves this just as much as I do!

10/28/10 8:46am
That's the best when your fine tags out. Love the pic's. :thumb

10/28/10 8:46am
Very nice, congratulations to you and your wife. :thumb

10/28/10 1:46pm
Nice work. It's alwasy nice when you walk up to them and they're bigger than expected.

10/28/10 2:04pm
Congrats to your wife on a fine looking 3-point. Looks and sounds like a great time, very cool that your wife enjoys hunting like you do. :thumb

10/28/10 5:09pm
Man that's a nice buck. Congrats to the wife. 10sign:

10/28/10 7:24pm
Congrats to your wife and brother =D>

10/29/10 6:53am
Congrats to the Mrs. on a fine buck!

11/6/10 8:46pm
Thanks for the comments everyone. We should be getting him back tomorrow. My wife wanted to euro him out....I'll post some pics when we get him back.

11/7/10 6:44pm
nice buck. congrats to your wife.

11/10/10 2:41pm
What a nice Buck. Congratulations to your wife.

11/10/10 4:00pm
Here is her buck after we got him Euroed.

11/10/10 5:23pm
Congrats to the wife, nice buck! Euro looks great.