Wild Antler Magic
7/2/11 3:43pm
Hey guys, I have been trying to find a new type of antler stain and I came across Wild Antler Magic (WAM) and I was wondering if anybody on here has used it and if they had good or bad results from the product. I am currently exchanging email with Wes (president of WAM) and he is giving me details about the product but just wanted to hear it from you guys. I just wanted to get some feedback before I spend the $45.00 for the product. So if there is anyone who has used WAM please let me know what kind of results you got and how easy it was to use.

7/3/11 12:55pm
i have used it and i like it

7/3/11 1:58pm
Wes is a great guy, and it works great IMO.

7/3/11 3:09pm
Do the antler's come out shiny or do they come out with that natural very little shine?

7/4/11 9:24pm
more natural, do have a little shine though but it's easy to "buff" out if you the shine is to much for you IMO.

7/7/11 11:09pm
I have WAMed alot of sheds, works great. Here's what you need to do, first mix in water till you have a good thick mud, that's not too runny. I also recommend laying down some newspaper, you can always save un-used WAM this way and use it later. Apply the WAM to the antler, make sure you cover the entire antler (except for the nub) and you have to really get a whole lot on the base and around the eye gaurd. After doing this set your horns out in the sun and let them dry completely. For the next part you will need a few things, a wire brush, steel wool, and acrylic spray. I've also had to use clear wood finish instead for acrylic spray, i just applied little amounts at a time with a cloth. When your sheds are dry use the wire brush to remove all the dried up dirt from your antler, before you use the shine you must be sure that ALL dirt is cleaned off. This can sometimes take a long time. Now use the steel wool on the tip of each tine and on your eyegaurd, this really whitens up the sharp points giving it a more realistic look. You want the antler to look as though it hasn't been refurbished. That's the main reason i keep the nub white also. After wire brushing it down and polishing up those tips, your now ready to spray it down. If you are using acrylic spray be sure to hold the antler at least two feet away while spraying. After doing that i usually go back with the steel wool and polish up those tips one more time.

7/7/11 11:32pm
Also, if your looking to refurbish any 2 - 3 yr old sheds then always sand them down first. I've refurbished some truly MONSTER sheds for my dad and they came out just beautiful.

7/8/11 1:59pm
thank you for all that responded, I am going online this weekend to order some of the medium color. I will make sure to post pictures of some of the stuff that I do. Again thank you.

7/9/11 5:31am
Not a problem, I went with the medium also. Would love to see some pictures of how they turned out