Wild Horses

Alright.. I really hate these things because when you see a nice deer or elk and are trying to get in close these stupid things always bust ya and start tearing up the mountain never giving you a chance at the game... I wish they would do something about them becuase they are way to overpopulated.. But this is the closest I ever have gotten to one.. He was about 10 yards away.. It was funnt when he realized I was there. Its about time I scared the crap outta one!!!

http://i203.photobucket.com/albums/aa119/snowboards32/th_MOV00755.jpg" alt="" />
Like a dang big Elk ready to run you over, nice clip!
That was great. Was that in Colorado by chance?
That's a pretty cool clip! It's pretty cool to see wild horses out in the mountains. There are a bunch here in SW Idaho. I've see quite a few but never been as close as those in the video.
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This was in southern utah.. I hate the stupid things.. I wish the DWR would "round up" more of them.. I bet they would make great glue!!
we have a ton of them here in oregon, they are a pain. one time i was sitting on a wallow and this group of 8 came in to it. i was in a ground blind with my bow and the stallion winded me and came and looked right over the brush i was in , he had to be within 6 ft! i've never thought of wild horses being something to be worried about but that made me a little uneasy! i finally threw my arms up and yelled at it and they took off.
cool video!
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Cool Vid Ive been there . I had a stallion charge to within 7 feet before turning away . looked like the same country too. not much to climb.