Wildlife Tattoos
5/1/07 9:56am
I was wondering if anyone knows where I can find some good looking hand drawn wildlife. I have an elk tattoo now and I'm looking for my next piece. I was thinking of an eagle or mulie or anything that would look good and is unique. If anyone knows of a good web site or anywhere else where I might find something it would be much appreciated. Thanks.
I'm new to this site and I am impressed!
I'm new to this site and I am impressed!
must be a two point! hahahahahahahaha (that was me pokin fun at the little feller)
I for one could fit a 30 incher on my root beer belly! :))
Who says I'm little? Wait till you at least meet me and I'll wup your butt. But wait that would mess up your tattoo huh. :)) :))
I'll kiddin aside I'm not a fan of tattoos myself. But some guy on the KingsOutdoor blog a while back had a Mule Deer/Man tattooed on his bicep.
yah I don't like tattoos either, although a swarovski hawk might look neat :-k
Eisenhower? or somebody else
A Muley skull would make a good tattoo . (didn't find an example of one though).
:)) :)) kidding
You guys can do whatever floats your boat, it doesn't matter to me, but putting a tattoo on a beautiful woman is like scribbling on a work of art with a crayon.