Will Deer Be In this country?

Will Deer be roaming these granite basins?
Maybe a few but down by the lake in the second picture it looks like there is a mixture of plant growth which will attract the deer more than the pines. Never take anything for granted though. Check everything out but expect deer to be in the more greener stuff. But I wouldn't be surprised to see bucks bedded in the pines away from the greenery especially if there is hunting pressure around the spring and lake. Goodluck, fatrooster. :thumb
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Yes there will be deer in hat area, second pic it looks like some knolls and valleys and the base of the peak

goood luck
Springville Shooter
Don't have any experience with mulies, but blacktail bucks in the Trinity Alps wilderness in northern California live way up in granite basins just like that. Sometimes when they have a seep or spring nearby, they will stay up there until either the snow or the rut drives them down.--------SS
I've seen some pictures of the bucks that live up in those areas. So I would say yes there will be bucks in that area.
"Springville Shooter" wrote:Don't have any experience with mulies, but blacktail bucks in the Trinity Alps wilderness in northern California live way up in granite basins just like that. Sometimes when they have a seep or spring nearby, they will stay up there until either the snow or the rut drives them down.--------SS
Agreed SS, seen em there myself many times. Have also seen mulie bucks hanging out in similar areas as well. Bucks that live in these habitats are few, but they tend to be older, smarter, and larger.
Yes, there are some good bucks in that basin. I would guess you could find a good buck just left of the big saddle and rockslide in pic. #2. That's one heck of a climb up there. I've also seen lion tracks along the steam that runs through that little valley. Also, I've been told that there's a little hidden canyon just uphill to the N.E. of the lake that holds a good buck or two.

Good luck.
Ridgetop-Thats lake hardy right? or bells?
There is country like this that I have hunted in CA area D7 that has produced some big bucks.Great area :thumb