Winter range deer

Here are a few more pics..." alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />" alt="" />
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And I do have some awsome film and sheds I would like to post them but I dont know how. I gave some pictures to my best friend James (Muleymagician) but he posted that he took them. I will send him some more pics to post if I can get him on the Phone. And believe me you will like them.
Hey, If you want them posted, Send them to me @ no offense man, I understand what your saying. I would like to see some sheds you have found. I can also post video if you have it and want it posted.
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Browtine, I will do that in the next couple of days. Nice meeting you

P.S There will be a lot of pictures.
you too man. I look forward to getting them. The more the marrier. I will post them when you send them..
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I just registerd as MuleyNut I look Forward to chating.
Nice to have you on board MuleyNut!
Interesting Discusssion! I would have to agree with you both. We look forward to seeing some of your pictures and possible video!
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Hey Browtine,
Why didn't you just shoot those deer and get it over with, other than make them waste their precious fat reserves looking at you (I noticed the one was going in the other direction) and condemming them to a slow and painful death?? Even the one laying on the ground....his heart rate is probably going through the roof!! You are the reason why there aren't any large spend WAY too much time chasing them all over the winter range when they could be preparing for next year's antler growth. When was the last time you ate some frozen sage??
I highly doubt that taking a few photos of some bucks is going to kill em' off! Those photos are awesome. Thats what nature and wildlife are for, to photograph and enjoy, obviously this can be abused, don't get me wrong. But I don't think your assumption is very fair.
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Well, think about this. You get X number of folks out there every day photographing, or filming these deer when they need to be saving all the energy they can. Our winters are about 6+ months long...besides these deer are just coming off the rut in poor physical state. All I'm saying is that equals a lot of moving around avoiding folks when they should be saving that energy getting ready to put on new head gear. Sure, they have to be avoiding coyotes, lions, etc, a guy can't control that. What we can control is ourselves and let these dudes have a break in the action.
I understand what it is that you are saying. I actually dont leave the roads in wyoming. Roads are everywhere and are highly traveled. All of these pics are from the road. I personaly cant wait for deer to shed. Not because of shed hunting, but because they get less pressure without the head gear. I am amazed at some of things I have witnesses on winter ranges and thats why I understand your response. If you were there when I had taken these pictures, you would not have posted a response like that.
BTW, register and support this site. Oppinions are great to hear and I personally like the oppinions when they are not hid behind a guest. Not saying your hididng, but its nice to put a name with the post.