Wish Me Buck...I mean Luck!

Here it is...the day I have been waiting for since July. My unit 40 limited entry hunt starts tomorrow here in SW Idaho. I am so excited that I can't think straight. How do they expect me to get anything done at work today????

We have three tags to fill in this coveted unit and two weeks to do it. I have taken 10 days off and plan on hunting til the soles of my boots fall off. Not shooting ANYTHING the first three days unless it completely blows my mind.

Was out last Sunday evening scouting and saw a great inline 5x5, but he just wasn't very wide. He had everything else though. Good mass, DEEP forks and big body. One od the other guys in our party said that he would shoot it if he saw it during the season, but after having seen some of the beefcakes that are out there this summer, I would have to wait until the last minute of the last day to shoot that one...

Anyway, wish me luck. I plan on coming home once or twice during the week next week to see my wife and kid and shower, so I will give you all an update at that point.

Don't worry, I will take LOTS of pictures.

Very good luck to u. I leave for Co in 3 days 17 hrs 45 mins. and i cant wait. You would think im 15 yrs old
GPW, good luck my friend! I hope you harvest a real bruiser out there in 40! I always heard great things about unit 40...

Gilamonster, good luck to you too man! It sure is funny how grown men turn into little kids during this time of year.
Man that sounds fun, BEST OF LUCK!! 4c

Look forward to the report!
4c 4c heck, i'm getting all worked up just knowing were about to see a toad! good luck :thumb
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Good luck guys. Hope the trip is safe and you find the one you're waiting for. I look forward to the pics.
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Good luck GPW Kill a big one! 4c 4c
Good luck and dont underestimate a not so wide buck with deep forks and is tall.
GPWDeer, I wish you the best of times, and a wallhanger. :thumb
I posted the whole story but I thought I would post a couple of pictures in this thread to finish it off.

This is a pic of the three deer we shot.
http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h244/gpwd17/CIMG0594.jpg" alt="" />

Here is mine.
http://i66.photobucket.com/albums/h244/gpwd17/CIMG0579.jpg" alt="" />
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Sounds fun :222