With College Football Right Around the Corner...
8/17/09 9:03pm
I know that the pro season is already getting kick-started, but what I'm really ready for is college ball!! I was just curious to see which fans we have here at Muley Madness. If you dare, list your team and the team you, well, don't like very much to put it nicely! :) This is all in good fun, so hopefully no one gets offended!
My team - TEXAS TECH BABY...bleedin' red and black!
0-12 team - oh, there's so many :)) , but I probably have to put Florida up there....all the Tebow talk has sent me over the edge!
My team - TEXAS TECH BABY...bleedin' red and black!
0-12 team - oh, there's so many :)) , but I probably have to put Florida up there....all the Tebow talk has sent me over the edge!
my second would have to be BSU boise state un.
i have to like the U of O [ ducks} my bosses daughter is the senior head cheer leader, SP- ILLISTRATED did a article on " the nations hottest cheerleaders" and on the front page was casey, known her since , well - long before the nice b00bz and a$$ stage;)
team i hate??
i really hope ohio state dont play in another national championship game for a long time-- along with michigan and notradam[ HOW THE HECK DO YOU SPELL nor-ter-daim????]
My second favorite team is Florida Go Gators
Really not a team I hate out there, and I love to see Ohio State play for the National Championship against any SEC team!
I work at research park which is practically on the U of U campus. That puts me in the middle of enemy territory. My cubicle white board gets constantly tagged with Ute graffiti. As much as I hate the U of U, I have a hard time taking anything away from their last season.
I'm worried for BYU's opening game against Oklahoma in the new Dallas Cowboy stadium (Oklahoma South) on Sept 5th, but to quote from a Disney movie, "it could happen" go cougars.
Bad guys: LSU, USC, Florida, Texas, Ohio state, BYU, Oklahoma, Alabama...
I have 2 kids in Eugene, both attended UO and My Daughter Taught at OSU ](*,) [NOT A BEAVER FAN] :>/ for a while and the Son in Law is in the PHD program and teaching at the U. Talk about die hard Ducks fans! Season tickets. They will call and talk "DUCKS" for hours. So I'm a Duck fan to.
Big game in Boise on the 3rd, National on ESPN =D>
You got love BCS busters
I hope they go undefeated again this year
do you have anything to say????? lol =D>