wolf meeting in cedar city
The Ox
1/17/12 10:28am
I dont know how true it is but i recieved a text saying they are trying to introduce wolves in the dixie NF. the meeting is at cross hollows middle school in cedar city on jan 17(today) 7pm.
I am going to to go and\ at least see if there really is a meeting i am trying to find more info but just thought i would at least inform everyone. I know there has been stuff in the newspaper about them trying to introduce wolves here so i know this meeting i probable.
I am going to to go and\ at least see if there really is a meeting i am trying to find more info but just thought i would at least inform everyone. I know there has been stuff in the newspaper about them trying to introduce wolves here so i know this meeting i probable.
Many of you may dislike sfw and bgf but when you look at what they have done, they have done a lot.
The fight is real and they(wolfies) are pushing for wolves as we speak if you have not already go to the biggame forver website and sign the wolf petition its free and only takes a second.
if you missed it. you did not miss anything to important as signin petition or fighting arguing with wolfies. just go sign the wolf petition on bgf and you will have done your part. also if you want another thing to do write to the leg, gov, etc the more the better
Has SFW accomplished good things for Utah wildlife? Sure. Has BGF accomplished anything that would/will/has slowed down or stopped Gray Wolf introductions? NO, not a dang thing except nearly blocking Idaho and Montana from being able to manage their wolves on a state level. They created a huge trust issue by what they did, and I for one will NEVER back them in any way. There are other reputable Con Orgs that have done well with the wolf issue, I will put my money there.
With SFW's current pie in the face happenings in Arizona and Alaska, along with what they are doing to create an even wider gap between hunters in Utah, I will NEVER back them either.
blm is now turning from a conservation group to a preservation group. the y dont allow habitat restoration such as clearing sage, p&j etc. as soon as a fire starts they put it out.
For you too think govt agencies would not do these things is nuts. the blm was working with suwa and other groups to make a lot of public lands in so utah into wilderness without talking to ranchers and the public. THEY HELD SECRET MEETINGS ETC,. And i know this for fact as we ranch some of the area they were intending on making wilderness. we found out about some of the meetings and my uncle was able to attend one. yada yada yada long story short they were doing it behind our backs. I believe they woul;d introduce wolves behind our backs becasue if they let sportsmen know about it they will be in court for years trying to get it done when they could just introduce and then fight like what happened to the fellers north of us. all the court time allowed the wolves to really get spread out and thin the elk herds etc. mission accomplished. now idaho, montana, wyomings elk herds are years and years away from recovery. dont think for a minute it cant happen. whether its 5 years down the road or ten. we need to stop it before it is even close to happening. they are already working on plans and that is already toooooo far and nerve racking.
I am not a member of sfw and have not given them a dime. they didnt ask for people join or give money at the meeting. however they asked we sign the FREE petition about wolves on BGF website. as well as to write the legislators/governor etc about the wolves not being wanted
Here are the details, DON'T WAIT UNTIL ITS TOO LATE!
There is not a plan to introduce wolves in Utah. Their argument is based on a "draft" and an old reintroduction study from USFWS which is right now, DOA. Here is a link to the Arizona Department of Wildlife....it'll do you some good to see where their wolf packs currently are and there are also other documents available there as well.
First of all, I agree there are "secret, back room deals and meetings", just like the one SFW's cronies down south did in Arizona with HB2072 and the tag grab. Totally back doored the sportsmen and conservation groups and the game commission. This is just ONE link on the issue. Follow the money and the leadership to see where it ends up...
However, the ESA has strict guidelines that must be followed by law, and although there may be "secret" meetings, the actual introduction of endangered species must adhere to these laws. I am very well aware of the Blue Ridge/White Sands etc. wolf introduction attempts that began several years ago, and the various snags and issues that have developed over the years. I am also fully aware of the "agenda" to have the Mexican wolf introduced into various areas of the Grand Canyon (North Rim) Eco system. It is merely an agenda, and the USFWS hasn't even began looking at the issues involving that agenda to any real degree. That was the crux of my post. The GC effort is simply an effort being pushed by the left wing wacko's just like the Gray Wolf issue was, it is NOT a viable, imminent threat whatsoever. For BGF/SFW to push the "secret wolf invasion" thing onto caring sportsmen is reprehensible.
I don't live in a hole, nor am I gullible or naive. I do however try to educate myself on the various issues that are ever concerning to our hunting heritage. I will give you this: "If" what you say has any semblance of truth to it, then I would ask BGF/SFW to share the information about the "secret wolf invasion" they thwarted at the last second with the various conservation orgs that are also in this fight. I don't want the wolf any more than you do, and will back those who I feel can represent my concerns. Heck, I will throw some money towards BGF if they can prove what they are claiming, no big deal... :thumb
The wolf issue is perhaps the most emotionally charged, controversial if not contentious issue we hunters have ever faced. Those organizations that represent us must not allow emotion and rhetoric to rule the day, but rather push reason over emotion, articulate the rule of law, support State Management and established viable Wolf Plans, utilize substantiated Scientific management efforts, and perhaps above all, keep we the hunters informed with ACCURATE information with which to base our own concerns.
As OX pointed out, the other side rarely fights fair. We must all be vigilant, tenatious, supportive and vocal with great resolve. Should we win the day, it will perhaps be our greatest victory and will be mentioned side by side with the greatest conservation tenet ever created, the North American Wildlife Conservation Model.