
Well as we were coming back from my deer hunt..we noticed a black dog running on a hillside..Me and my dad both said "that looks like a wolf" ..but im sure both of us were thinking in our heads that there isnt wolves in nevada because there wasnt...this thing was huge and pure black..but last night when my dad got home from work he said ..remeber when we thought we saw that wolf?..pretty sure it was because fish and game just spotted a bunch more up at the apple orchard and said they're coming in from Idaho...i hope so because weve already seen one and im hoping theres a bunch more still to come.
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You're hoping there's a bunch more to come??? They are a very efficient predator and surely the number of deer and elk tags available will drop. The Mexican Wolves were such a problem here that the ranchers are forcing the removal of them. It's not a good thing if you are a hunter or rancher.
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No offense to you at all, but if you want more wolves you are crazy. They are becoming a very serious problem for both ranchers and hunters here in Idaho. Both groups are currently trying to get hunting legalized. Its looking good so far, but no seasons have been set.
Cant imagine anyone who loves hunting being excited about wolves coming in and wrecking havoc on the deer and elk population of any state. Yes they were here before we were, but the world has changed in the past 100 years and IMO they just don't have a place in the more densely populated world we live in today where they wont be causing problems with farmers, ranchers and even every day people. I don't hate wolves, but i also don't look forward to seeing them in my hunting grounds, nor do i look forward to them migrating with the wintering deer and elk herds and being in my back yard. I say keep them protected in Yellowstone and other such places, but treat them as a varmint everywhere else. Not in my backyard!
They have gotten as far south as Unit 114. My buddy and I were bow hunting up on the Table on Mt. Moriah in August. We saw one early one morning and thought that it couldn't be a wolf but they sure enough let us know when the full moon came out. My friends laugh at me kidding that I dont' know the difference between a Coyote and a wolf, but I grew up huntin Coyotes. Those howls definately did not come from no Coyote unless it was on steroids.. We also found serveral deer carcasas, head and everything intact, that had been chewed up pretty good with paw tracks all around them. Wolves.... you can have em!
I hope they ALL go to Nevada,good place for em.