Wolves and coyote
12/10/07 4:01pm
Dont think this yoter was to smart going in here with a pack of wolves.
So whoever put in on YouTube kinda annoys me, because they obviously stole it and posted without authorization to do so.
Cool show though, you guys should see the whole entire thing. AWESOME stuff.
I would have a problem killing off every last one.
Just so everyone knows....I am pretty torn on this subject....but not blind either. We have extirpated and endangered a large number of animals in their native land and would love to see us continue in our quest to right the wrongs. However, in my opinion, this attempt was not thought out properly and has not progessed in a manner inwhich most of us would accept.
I can think of other similar efforts that we all love. For example, the Bighorn Sheep reintroduced into many western states, Elk into various eastern states and areas in the west where the population was poor, Bison, and Pronghorn...just to name a few. So if you are going to bash the various state wildlife organizations then you better be thanking them at the same time. I think it's pretty unfair to ignore the good and riot because of the bad.
With that being said, I do not blame anyone inparticular. Various species of wolf exsisted here for hundereds of years. We selfishly wiped them out long ago because they didn't fit into our agenda and created this issue in the first place. However, the "failures" of the reintroduction have been no better. Again, THIS IS JUST MY OPINION. Hated responses won't change it either so please don't try. However, I would love to hear your HONEST opinions...after all, you're entitled to it.
I agree to an extent. However, when you introduce a keystone species such as the wolf in an area that has never had to deal with it/has not dealt with it in many many years, it's inevitably going to cause a cascade of negative effects throughout the food web within that ecosystem. In other words, deer and elk populations will be negatively impacted.
Whether or not the re-introduced wolves are Canadian Grey Wolves, North Rocky Mountain Grey Wolves, or Mexican Grey Wolves is irrelevent in my opinion (Not all introduction efforts involve the Canadian Grey). Again, in my opinion, the issue is that the deer and elk have not had to deal with a predator that possesses the smarts that the wolf possesses nor tried to avoid a predator that hunts in packs as well as the wolf.
Without writing a whole paper on this subject and/or my opinions regarding same, please see the attached link. It's a great study on the re-introduction of wolves. Yes, this particular study was written by folks that were concerned with the impact of the reintroduction on hunting and is geared toward such. You can find hundreds of papers written by animal and anti-hunting groups that put a different spin on it. However, there are very few written in this context. For what it's worth, I'm an avid reader and study this sort of stuff all the time and I tend to agree with the attached...regardless of the fact that I am also a hunter.
You are all certainly entitled to your opinion. Stick to your guns my friends, whatever your opinion may be. But please, read the study I posted and ask yourself if the re-introduction is worth the efforts.
To keep it balanced I have attached a link to an interview with Mr. Ed Bangs about his efforts in wolf re-introduction in North America. Again, you can find many, many stories, studies, etc on the web. I would encourage everyone to read as much as they can about this subject and then make up thier OWN minds on whether or not they support these efforts. Disagreeing with the reintroduction and lashing out because of something some told you or something you assumed is not the answer (including ANYTHING I have posted...these are my opinions). Educate yourself on the subject and bring cognative thought to the table...that's the key in my opinion.
We have lived with the wolves here in Minnesota for as long as we can remember. The people that want wolves or think we need them will never see a wolf or even a sign of them in the wild. It's in prints and in zoo's, the only visual evidence they will ever see of the gray wolf.
These wolves here in MN are the natural thing, and the Moose and deer have evolved to survive.
The prey species of the Central Rockies, has been many generations without wolf predation. The large Canadian Wolves will in time change the mountain game populations as we know them.