Wolves in Montana?

Just got an Email from a friend of mine in the FWP in Montana. Its not new news that Montana has been looking to start a wolf season, but, he said chances are about 98% that it is going to pass the council. So, anyone who wants to get one of these "beautiful animals that only kill the wounded and sick wild animals of Montana" get your Varmint rifles sited in, should be a long season, from Mid Sept to Nov. Should be able to apply for tags on March 1. Also, I am not sure how many, but he said that the FWP will be releasing more tags than they originally thought. Hope this isnt just wishfull thinking and rumor in the FWP, cause I cant wait to put holes in a couple of these "majestic scavengers". :222
The tags will be UNLIMITED,its going to be a 3 region quota hunt.$16 for a MT resident. :222
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What the deal was about releasing more tags, is that right now, as the plan stands a hunter can only shoot one of these innocent beasts, per year. They are considering changing that so that one hunter can kill two or more wolves until quota is met. almost ran one over last year on the way to elk hunting, so I know where some are at, and I am sure any rancher in the state will let you shoot wolves on their land. I have never seen any on the family ranch, but anyone that comes to the door and asks is definatly getting permission to hunt them. Maybe they will take some yotes with them too got tons of them.