wolves in Utah
6/2/05 1:58pm
I was just wondering what people's opinion on wolf reintroduction is.
What a waste of money!!!
texscala sounds like you want them.
You must not be the real big hunter type cause if you were you would change your ways.
Wolves always seem to go after the easiest pray available, fawns, elk calves or young livestock. The more elk and deer they take the fewer permits for us hunters.
Wolves also seem to multiply and exspand their range rapidly. No doupt the wolves are here to stay,
I think FWP and people in charge, will conclude that wolf populations must be kept in check.
I would like to see more wolves. would'nt mind seeing them hunted either but do not like the idea of exterminating them.
Good point! Thanks for registering and voicing your thoughts. I agree on the poaching philosophy.
I wasn't referring to your uncle, I just brougt up poaching in general. Poaching is more of a threat to hunting quality than predators i think