Wonderful Trip

My son Mike and I returned home to Minnesota yesterday with memories of a wonderful hunt in Wyoming....Our first ever antelope/mulie combo hunt....Mike harvested a nice 3 X 3 mulie and I shot a nice goat...as a bonus we also brought home a doe antelope (Maybe the best tasting game that I have ever had....) :thumb

Downside...I somehow broke my camera...I salvaged a part of roll of the film and with a photo editor I got the enclosed photo....My son will have more and better pics when he gets his developed and down loaded...I will pass them along later....

We spent more time boning and cutting meat than actual hunting time but it was all part of a great adventure....including me sitting in a cactus patch and having my son laugh at me while he plucked my butt...

Thanks to all on this forum who contributed with advice and encouragement to make the outcome of this trip such a huge success....

This is my son Mike, he ranged this goat at 278 yards for me....I layed prone using my pack as a rest....my 25-06 did the rest

Congrats on what sounds like an AWESOME successful hunt and best of all thanks for updating us on your success pics!
Randy, CONGRATS on what sounds like a very successful and enjoyable hunt! Great lookin' goat too!

Can't wait to see the rest of the pics.
NICE buck! :222
Snake River Marksman
Good Deal Randy!
I was wondering how you made out.
nice job! I end up in catus everytime I hunt antelope.
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Sounds like a great hunt! I've definitely sat in my fair share of cactus. Ouch!!
Thanks for reporting back in. :thumb I'm glad it all went well for you. We've killed quite a few pronghorns with a 25-06, great speed-goat caliber.
MNbogboy, Congrats on a great time. The cactus, that's nothing. I get stuck every trip :thumb

That lope country is a far cry from our MN bogs :-k You Think?
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Thanks again everyone.

Waynedevore....certainly a different world in the hills of Wyoming.....The climate is unreal....you dry out so fast....without noticing sweat...almost unbelievable.....the wind when it is almost hot out still cools meat real fast through evaporation.....you can hear dishwater evaporate when thrown in the air....just like you can hear boiling water thrown here in MN when it is minus 30 degrees....the relative humidity and elevation must have a lot to do with it.....
I have hunted in a lot of places in WI and MN where 300 and 400 yard shots are possible but you seldom get the opportunity seeing only a few bucks every season....In less than 8 hours hunting in WY I passed on 5 mulie bucks at 250 yards or less....The bucks were all decent "Y" bucks....with 14 to 16" spreads.....but not quite what I was looking for...Don't get me wrong, I am not a trophy hunter and starving to death from no meat was not an issue either....Other non-residents I talked to out there had no problem shooting them but filling my tag was not the main reason for the adventure and I hope that at least one of those 5 makes it another year or two.....My son and I did see 4 nice 3x3s together two days before season....I think Mike got one of them.....pretty nice for his first mule deer....I was proud of him (as usual)....He was stalking another buck when this one stood up right in front of him....I will post some pics when he gets his developed.

Good luck everyone for the rest of your hunts this fall,

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Here are a couple more pics of our trip...

This was my birthday present...
my very first lope.....
This was my birthday present... my very first lope.....
Here is our camp meat...and a lot of fine dining for this winter.....
Here is our camp meat...and a lot of fine dining for this winter.....
This buck didn't want us any closer to his doe....we were less than 50 yards from him....of course the buck tag was full.....
This buck didn't want us any closer to his doe....we were less than 50 yards from him....of course the buck tag was full.....
Mike's very first mulie...and a very happy camper....
Mike's very first mulie...and a very happy camper....
Very nicely done, congrats on your first MULEY!
great pics and congrats, and in in that 1st pic is that a shed antler. looks like one
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The shed in the pic is another one of the countless rewards of our WY hunt....My son actually found it minutes before I shot the goat....We found a couple of other sheds while scouting the enclosed pic had so many KBs that I had to crop the heck out of it to send......Note the lucky horseshoe my son found out on the praire...hope it is a sign of what the rest of this falls hunting will be like :)

Hunt safe and shoot straight,

elk shed, mule deer shed,
whitetail shed(not positive could be a mulie with short brow tine and no branching. It was pretty rotted & weathered.), my goat horns, and Mike's mulie rack(what's left of it after cropping) and of course the lucky horseshoe!
elk shed, mule deer shed, whitetail shed(not positive could be a mulie with short brow tine and no branching. It was pretty rotted & weathered.), my goat horns, and Mike's mulie rack(what's left of it after cropping) and of course the lucky horseshoe!
dang that was a great hunt!