Woohoo! Got him!

I'll post a story later on this guy.....took a couple stalking chances and one missed shot over a week and a half period but today everything came together and I couldn't be happier with my first buck and that with a bow! Been trying for 3 years and today made it all worth it! He's a 25" 3x4
Congrads!! He looks a wider that 25" in those pics. Nice :thumb
very cool,i cant wait for the story! and that is a great first buck.
Awesome man!!! Heck of a buck and i can't wait to hear the story! :thumb
VERY nicely done, congrats on a fine trophy. :thumb
Sweet :thumb

Very cool first buck. Are going to strip the rest of the velvet off? I'm looking forward to the story.
Great one to start off with a bow.
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Nice Job!!! =D>
way nice congrats
Well done! Great buck regardless if it was the first or last! :)
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Very nice!
Good job on your buck. :thumb
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Hey it's good to see everything come together for you. And that looks like gnarly country. Well done!
Well here is the story on my first buck and that with the bow. As most of you know, I had been chasing some really nice bucks and had been watching them all summer long and had posted quite a few trail camera pics on here as well. Well, to make a long story short, those bucks were scared out of the area by a new visitor....a bear. So unable to locate my original bucks again I went on to plan B. My wife and I had been scouting an area close to where we live for quite a while and had managed to see a lot of smaller bucks and even put some stalks on them for my little brother who also has a bow tag. We were able to get within 40 yds of a nice 3 point for my little brother but buck fever got the better of him and so that deer got a free pass. Well in looking in the area we went to a spot where we had seen some nice bucks last year and we just happened to be in the right spot at the right time and were able to watch my buck go to his bed. So the stalk was on. First attempt......failure. He outsmarted us. Second attempt.......failure. This time I had made a great stalk and had my brother pushed him right towards me and had my wife down low spotting it all out for us and keeping us updated on what the buck was doing. The buck came up the draw just as I had hoped. I had ranged a bunch of spots so I would have an idea of how far to shoot. The buck came up and I tried to get him to stop but he ended up stopping higher than I had ranged so I had to guess on a range since he was looking like he was going to bolt any second. Well I lined up what I thought was the right yardage and released but watched the arrow go right underneath his belly! He took off and stopped at about 50 yds before going over the ridge, but I didn't have time to get another shot. And with that, I was kicking myself and not believing I had screwed up. We tried to stay on him but lost him. So third attempt......failure. My wife and I had spotted him in his regular spot and had finally figured out his schedule. Every third day in the middle of the day, he would be in his bed. So once again, I stalked to my spot above his bed in the wash and my wife did the push. But somehow in the middle of the push he snuck away without any sign or sound. My wife was so bummed and thought it was all her fault for not seeing where he went. So I had to reassure her that it wasn't and that he was just a smart guy and that we would get another shot at him hopefully. Which brings us to attempt number 4. I went up and saw him in his bed again. So I called my wife and she got off of work and then made a phone call to my father in law. He made his way over to help us out. So now the stalk was on. My wife stayed low and put the spotting scope on him and kept an eye on him the whole time. I got into position on top of the hill just above the wash and this time I ranged every possible place around me. My father in law started the push and before I knew it I heard the crash of trees and brush below me and saw the antlers bobbing towards me. My heart started racing and I got ready for the shot. The buck cautiously made his way up the wash the same way he had the last time I had had a shot at him. Everything worked out perfect and I got him to stop at about 35 yds out. One deep breath and released. And the beautiful sound of a sure shot filled my ears. He went up over the ridge out of sight but my wife watched him the whole time. She came over the walkie-talkies and said he's down but rolling down the hill! I thought to myself, please don't break! So after going about 50 yds from where I shot him and 100 yd roll down the hill, my buck was finally down! I was so excited! I had been working for this moment for 3 years and when I was able to hold that buck's antlers in my hands, it was such an awesome feeling. And the best part was that my wife and father in law were there to share the memory with me. Couldn't have done it without them!
"NotEnufTags" wrote:Sweet :thumb

Very cool first buck. Are going to strip the rest of the velvet off? I'm looking forward to the story.

Well I thought about it but then decided that I am going to leave it the way it is. My taxidermist says other than the rear point he should be able to make it look really good. I just wanted to leave him the way he was when I shot him......maybe I'm just weird that way. LOL. If he wouldn't have rolled down the hill after dying then his velvet still would have been perfect. The 100 yd tumble didn't treat it too well. Just glad he didn't break! :))