Woohoo! Got him!
9/1/10 10:36pm
I'll post a story later on this guy.....took a couple stalking chances and one missed shot over a week and a half period but today everything came together and I couldn't be happier with my first buck and that with a bow! Been trying for 3 years and today made it all worth it! He's a 25" 3x4
Very cool first buck. Are going to strip the rest of the velvet off? I'm looking forward to the story.
Well I thought about it but then decided that I am going to leave it the way it is. My taxidermist says other than the rear point he should be able to make it look really good. I just wanted to leave him the way he was when I shot him......maybe I'm just weird that way. LOL. If he wouldn't have rolled down the hill after dying then his velvet still would have been perfect. The 100 yd tumble didn't treat it too well. Just glad he didn't break! :))