Word is......

That the wildlife board passed getting rid of statewide archery hunting, and passed statewide spike elk hunting..... :>/
umm bummer, but they didn't get rid of Statewide Archery, just limited the the first couple of weeks correct??
"MuleyMadness" wrote:umm bummer, but they didn't get rid of Statewide Archery, just limited the the first couple of weeks correct??
Stuck to a region for the first 17 days, statewide for 11 days. Spike tags on every LE unit except Diamond Mt, capped at 12,500 instead of the 17,000 the DWR asked for. Southern and Southeastern regions are now 9 day hunts instead of 5 day hunts.
what a crock of shit!!! 3 of the 5 racs voted against the statewide archery and it still passed
wtf, i thought the board was suppossed to listen to the RAC's and public input!! ](*,)

and the statewide spike hunters???? wtf is up with that?? that has to be the DUMBEST thing i have ever seen this state do with its elk herds!!

i for one, sent countless emails to RAC members and board members, and looks like i will be sending more to the board stating my disapointment

wtf they thinking???? anyone please help, im lost

seems as though we have some issues with the board, how many of the board members even hunt or are PRO outdoors? Nice name Bart, but not intended to mean you.

Bummer on the Elk, I'm fine/okay with 9 days back here again.

We don't need 17 days alone down here, I didn't ask for it. Might get lonely now. :)
to any southern utah bow hunters:

please share your thoughts on this "overcrowding" issue on the archery hunt?? is it really that bad? is it the "road hunters" complaining? whats the big deal down there?

please share your thoughts, ive never hunted further south than salt lake county so i dont know whats going on down there

Yet another time when a minority complain and the majority are just expected to smile and nod.... It's pretty sad that we've become a country where we are so politically correct that the minority control things.
I know that opening weekend in the southeastern unit is very over crowded just because it is the last time a lot of families can get out and camp together before school starts. That weekend is rediculously overcrowded until you get out and hike and hunt and away from the roads. Other than that weekend though it calms right back down and isn't bad. As far as the spike hunt info that is very dissapointing. ](*,) Oh well I guess all we can do is keep trying.
So let me get this straight...... I can buy a spike elk tag and hunt any elk unit? LE's that currently do not have a spike hunt, such as Oquihhr/stansbury? LE's that already do spike hunts, such as Wasatch? Open bull units, like in the uintas?

I can buy one any weapon spike elk tag and hunt all these units as long as I kill a spike?

I can really see this hurting archers!
Also, I can see some positive things coming out of this, but I just want to make sure I understand it completely before passing judgment.

Does anybody know the exact hunt dates? weapon types? Is it all the same, but now you're allowed to hunt all LE's? It is going to effect each unit differently.
I don't believe that a spike tag holder will be able to hunt the any bull uinits. As least I hope not. What would the point be of haveing an anybull unit.
"DeadI" wrote:I don't believe that a spike tag holder will be able to hunt the any bull uinits. As least I hope not. What would the point be of haveing an anybull unit.
Any bull is just that, any bull including spikes. It only seperates the spike unites, NOT the open bull units. If I've read everything on the posts correctly, then a person can hunt a spike bull anyplace they choose? Of course with the exception of private property? :>/ :>/

What a freakin mess.
Well i'm not much of a archery hunter but i do still get out to look at the velvet bucks down here in Southern Utah and like sneekeepete said it's busy for the first part of that time but there's enough country down here that you really don't notice it much cause most of them are pretty spread out so coming from me i really didn't thing that it was any problem at all.
"MuleyMadness" wrote:We don't need 17 days alone down here, I didn't ask for it. Might get lonely now. :)
I'm afraid you might see the exact opposite happen. From what I understand, there will not be cap on the number of archers who can choose to hunt down there YET. What this did is potentially force more archers to the southern unit. I know several dedicated hunters that had southern tags but archery hunted in the central unit. This proposal would have forced them to hunt in southern Utah.

The overcrowding perception will not go away from this. The next step will be for the WB to limit the number of archery tags issued in each unit. The result from that will be that many people who have always archery hunted the South will no longer be able to get a tag every year. Mark my word, if you live and archery hunt in Southern Utah you better start looking for another area to hunt in Northern Utah in a few years, or plan on sitting it out.
If I've read everything on the posts correctly, then a person can hunt a spike bull anyplace they choose? Of course with the exception of private property?
after reading the proposal..... I'm pretty sure that a spike tag will only allow you to hunt a LE elk unit...... still unable to hunt a spike in an open bull unit. I'm glad they didnt get the 17000 tags approved.
"chet" wrote:
If I've read everything on the posts correctly, then a person can hunt a spike bull anyplace they choose? Of course with the exception of private property?
after reading the proposal..... I'm pretty sure that a spike tag will only allow you to hunt a LE elk unit...... still unable to hunt a spike in an open bull unit. I'm glad they didnt get the 17000 tags approved.

Thanks for the clarification. I dont like this one bit. The more I think about it the angrier I get over the L.E. change. Why one earth would they even consider spike hunts on L.E areas? Am I just an uneducated fool who cant figure out why killing spike limits the number of potential mature animals?
they've been doing it for years on the wasatch and manti.......

I'm still on the fence on this one.
I think that the previous spike units will see a reduction in pressure..... but I'm not so sure it will be a good trade off. #-o
I heard from a pretty reliable source that the spike hunt will be going on DURING the L.E. Hunt. So if you have been applying for years for that special tag and you finally draw...you will have spike only hunters in there at the same time as your dream hunt moving the elk to who knows where...Now that would get my goat!

I also heard that starting this year, you will be allowed to apply for all species. This means you can now apply for elk, antelope and deer and as many once in a lifetime hunts as you wish... The waiting period will remain in effect per species if you have drawn recently.

Let's just say that you have been applying for elk for 8 years and you have 10 people with 10 points and 8 people with 9 points and a hundred with less points than you. People that were applying for deer only or antelope only are now applying for your picked unit. There could be and most likely will be 1000+ people applying for your area. If you thought your drawing odds were tough before just wait and see what the odds will be! You may never draw! And if you are a NonResident like me, that means buying a license every year you apply for a tag you may never get. It adds up quick.

I think I will look long and hard about my future in applying in Utah. They want your's and my money...but they may shoot theirselves in the foot before it's all over.
"tommycaller" wrote:I heard from a pretty reliable source that the spike hunt will be going on DURING the L.E. Hunt. So if you have been applying for years for that special tag and you finally draw...you will have spike only hunters in there at the same time as your dream hunt moving the elk to who knows where...Now that would get my goat! Only for the archery hunt. The rifle guys who need the extra advantage of having NO competition while they hunt have NO hunts going on while their hunt is taking place.

I also heard that starting this year, you will be allowed to apply for all species. This means you can now apply for elk, antelope and deer and as many once in a lifetime hunts as you wish... The waiting period will remain in effect per species if you have drawn recently. Only for non-residence applicants. Don't ask how/why, there is NO explanation available that makes an ounce of sense.
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Tom, it's good to see you over here on a good site. Why don't you post a pic of Gary's deer.
"kinzysdad" wrote:
DeadI wrote:I don't believe that a spike tag holder will be able to hunt the any bull uinits. As least I hope not. What would the point be of haveing an anybull unit.
Any bull is just that, any bull including spikes. It only seperates the spike unites, NOT the open bull units. If I've read everything on the posts correctly, then a person can hunt a spike bull anyplace they choose? Of course with the exception of private property? :>/ :>/

What a freakin mess.
No. The way it has been is that you had the anybull units and the spike units and you had to choose, hopefully that is the way it will stay. It is hard enough finding a spike let alone a branchantler bull on a any bull unit. The spike hunt should remain just that and on the spike units (LE units).

And yes what a freaking mess.