Would Doe-in-Heat scent work on mule deer?
8/20/06 5:00pm
I've been close to several bucks this weekend, but not close enough. I'm wondering if a little doe scent might bring them in a little closer.
Has anyone had any success with this?
Has anyone had any success with this?
But...I'm certainly sceptical at best. Sounds overrated to me.
Just get some good camo, get the wind right, be patient. Don't move unless the deer are feeding or looking another direction. Don't make noise either.
I've also had good success at times...moving in very fast when the deer are moving. Only move when they move and freeze when they do or until they move or feed again.
Meaning sometimes you NEED to GO HARD to get in on them.
ever situation is different and challenging. That's the fun of it all. :thumb
Good luck!
They only went a few hundred yards away and then all stopped. I just slowly backed out and left them alone to try again over Labor Day weekend.
Good luck labor day.