Would you??
9/12/06 2:18pm
Do not look at the size of the animal, but more how he is standing.
Would you take a shot with a bow at 25yds?
This is what I was given on staurday.....this is not the animal just a picture I found my bull was standing inbetween two tress?

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v331/GooseHunter/elk01.jpg " alt="" />
Would you take a shot with a bow at 25yds?
This is what I was given on staurday.....this is not the animal just a picture I found my bull was standing inbetween two tress?

Especially with my bow experience, which isn't much to this point.
Must have been frustrating for sure though.
HighLander, I would rather not have shot, then to have taken it and lost him. Good call Friend.
Also thanks for the post, some good points and discussion.