Would you??

Do not look at the size of the animal, but more how he is standing.

Would you take a shot with a bow at 25yds?

This is what I was given on staurday.....this is not the animal just a picture I found my bull was standing inbetween two tress?


http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v331/GooseHunter/elk01.jpg" alt="" />

Especially with my bow experience, which isn't much to this point.

Must have been frustrating for sure though.
I would if he was a record elk but not if he is just normal because there is lots of those out there!
i dont know because ive never shot a bow in my life
There was a 385" bull killed in southern utah last week with this very shot placement. It can work but the vital target area is much smaller than a broadside shot.
Tough call. I personally would pray he'd turn. I love a double lung shot for both rifle & bow. Saying that.....if he didn't turn and it was my only shot.......that is a tough one. I feel very comfortable shooting at 25 yards and can hit a 3-4" circle, with 10 out of 10 arrows. His heart is at least 5-6" wide, if not wider. A well placed arrow in that meaty part between his legs will get into vitals and with every step he will swish that broadhead back and forth, if the arrow doesn't fly all the way through him, which I doubt it will in that big 'Ole Boy. Still tough call.

HighLander, I would rather not have shot, then to have taken it and lost him. Good call Friend.
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outdoor life had a great article on frontal elk shots. the auther was against them when the guide told him to take it, but what i gathered was even if you shot does redirect off of bone you have a very good chance of hitting lungs. heart pass through is great and peneitration is also good. if you miss way to the left or right you will hit in a spot that will most likley heal before he beds. it wil go nowhere near a vital or slow kill area. at 25 i would after reading that article. but it is all dependent on how you feel taking the shot. there is no shortage of us that have passed or blown a shot, dont beat yourself up over it. we have all been there.
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maybe if i was robin hood . but all kidding aside , when i was bow hunting i would not have tried this shoot . like hiker said , wait til he turns and gives you a better shoot .
"HighLander" wrote:Do not look at the size of the animal, but more how he is standing.

Would you take a shot with a bow at 25yds?

This is what I was given on staurday.....this is not the animal just a picture I found my bull was standing inbetween two tress?


http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v331/GooseHunter/elk01.jpg" alt="" />
Me personally, no, I wouldn't take the shot. It's a low percentage shot. Too many things could go wrong. In my humble opinion, you did the right thing by passing on the shot.
jersey boy
Ummm... yeah defenitely at 25 yards with my bow no lie i practice hitting the small paper plates and i havent missed until my string started wearing down. But i wouldve just hit dead center middle and prolly wouldve hit something or now that i think about it idk prolly lol
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Absolutely not.
Part of being a bowhunter is learning patience......wait for him to turn broadside.....there's your shot.
No, not at 25 yds maybe 10-12 that is a deadly shot if made. Thats if made, Wait him out.
"Joe" wrote:Absolutely not.
+1 million!

No way! You have got to be disiplined enough not to take that kind of shot IMO. Get him another day when he is broadside or quartering away.
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Honestly I don't that taking the shot as presented would ever enter my mind if I was the shooter. But I'm anal about having a good shot, even with a rifle, which has caused me to not shoot at two very nice mule deer, both at under 100 yards.. I'm sure I was foolish to not have shot with the my rifle. But it would never even cross my mind with a bow.
At my experience level I would agree with passing the shot up; this brings to mine a whitetail I took in Ohio this year, I was Quartering him up and when I was taking a front Quarter, puss drained out, from what looked to be a bad arrow placement. If i hadn't had taken this boy he wouldn't have survived the winter. So I am a huge advocate of ensuring you have a kill shot before the release. Get'm next time brother!

Also thanks for the post, some good points and discussion.
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25yds, 4540grain arrows, 100grain shuttle T lock broad heads, 70lbs, 285fps, Mathews switchback, a heart shot from the front is almost imposible because of the brisket but the main arterys going to the heart there is a good chance, neck shot trying to hit the jugler vein you beter be an excellent shot, big bull you have chased for the whole season and this is the best shot you have had at him I would take it, if not Id wait he will either turn and give you a better shot, run off or run over you either way you have one heck of a story.