Would you use your LE tag on this bull?
9/17/11 8:47pm
Obviously we did. Killed at first light this morning.

http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d159/Dahlmer/IMG_0208.jpg " alt="" />

http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d159/Dahlmer/IMG_0216.jpg " alt="" />

http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d159/Dahlmer/IMG_0217.jpg " alt="" />

http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d159/Dahlmer/IMG_0222.jpg " alt="" />

http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d159/Dahlmer/IMG_0221.jpg " alt="" />

http://i35.photobucket.com/albums/d159/Dahlmer/IMG_0220.jpg " alt="" />

That has to be won of the biggest 3rd's I've ever seen. 10sign:
And now the story.
My dad and I saw this bull back in late June and to be honest outside of his thirds (which were both close to 20" then) we weren't overly impressed. He was about 800 yards away hangin out with a couple of raghorns and it was hard to tell if he had g2's or not. He had decent 4ths and his whale tail was about 10-12 inches, but for the most part we put him down as an afterthought as we saw a couple of six points that day that looked to have some good potential.
Fast forward to the hunt...We never did see this bull again although talked about him occasionally and wondered how he had finished out. We hadn't seen a lot of bulls since that day in June until just recently and the rut really seemed to be picking up the last few days before the rifle hunt began. My buddy's son had the tag and had never killed an elk before so he wasn't going to be too picky.
We had to ride the horses about an hour in the dark and a light rain, but we could already hear the elk whistling all around us. We tied the horses up just before daylight and began a hike up a ridge we could hear 5-6 different bulls on. The wind was blowing briskly right into our faces so everything was working in our favor. They would have a hard time hearing us and our scent would be be blown back behind us. We kept glassing as, but the light was still to low to make out anything, so we continued to slowly make our way up the ridge to where we could hear the elk. Just before we reached the small saddle that we wanted to be in we heard a bugle off the side of the ridge to our left. My dad and I decided we would go check out that bull while my buddy and his son continued up into the saddle. We walked about 30 or 40 yards of the side of the ridge where we could see into the bottom of the draw below us and onto the other side. We saw a small ragohorn bedded on tip of the next ridge as well as two spikes down in the bottom. As we continued to glass we could hear two bulls bugling between us and the top of the other ridge, but could not locate either one. I glassed down the same side of the ridge we were on and suddenly a set of antlers appeared 50 yards below us on the opposite side of some scrub oak. I looked through my binoculars and immediatley recognized it as the 5 point with big 3rds we had seen back in June.
I pointed him out to my dad and we could see him moving in and out of the oak brush moving back behind us. Now, I don't know if the light was poor or if it was a 5 point complex or what, but I still was not really impressed by this bull although I could tell he had put some significant length on his right 3rd. My dad questioned whether we should motion our buddy and his son back or not as they could not see him from their location about 100 yards ahead of us. We decided not to, but tried to follow the bull to see if we could get a little clearer view of him. He was working behind us and we worried he was going to catch our scent, but he turned down into the draw and began moving back in front of us up onto the opposing ridge which joined the ridge we were on in the saddle we had been hiking into. We caught a good glimpse of him down in the bottom of the draw at which point I decided I had underestimated how big he really was.
We hurried to catch up to the others to let them know this bull was coming. In the meantime they had seen a nice heavy five point cross in the saddle about 200 yards in front of them, but decided to pass on him. We informed him of the big 5 and when I told him his right 3rd looked like it was close to 30" he looked at me like I was crazy. We had described this bull to him from June, but he really is a bull you have to see. While we waited we had a raghorn and a small six cross the saddle and passed on both. We could hear the big five working his way up into the saddle, but could not find him in the cover. Our buddy was getting a bit impatient as I don't think he really believed the bull was as big as we desribed.
Shortly a cow came into the saddle at about 230 yards stood briefly in the open and then turned up hill and out of view. We could still hear the bull, but he had not made and appearance yet. We were concerned he would follow the cow and not provide an opportunity to evluate him and get off a good shot. Suddenly he whistled and came out into the open just 200 yards from us. He was crossing from left to right with his best side towards us. As soon as the bull came out my buddy started telling his son to shoot it. The bull moved another 10 yards and then stopped quartered to us and bugled. Just as he finished his bugle the first shot broke his front shoulder. He ran another 50 yards toward and and took another slug to the chest and was down for good.
I was totally blown away by the mass on this bull when we walked up on him. It looks like the first three points were all trying to grow out of the same spot. He was far more impressive than I had given him credit for. If I get the chance to put a tape to him all give you the details, although I may have to rely on BOHNTR for a little help on this one. I'm guessing he'll gross over the 340 mark, but we'll see.
Love the pictures.
At least man up and state your reason why.