Wounded Marine

I've been busy for a few months again and this site has changed so much! Great work Brett! Maybe it's because I haven't logged on for so long and all the posts are new, but it seems like member growth has increased a bit as well, awesome!

Anyways, I wanted to share something with you all.

My Marine brother, Cpl Michael F. Fox, was blown up in the Helmand Province last month. He lost both his legs and has several other severe injuries. He's currently at a hospital in Southern California (just got transferred there from Bethesda, Maryland now that his surgeries are all complete). I need to video tape a conversation with him or something so you guys can see, but he's doing incredibly well! He called me 4 days after the explosion to tell me he was alive and he was even cracking small jokes then! All our buddies that were on patrol with him said he was making jokes while they put tourniquets on him & tried to stabilize him, Cpl Fox says he remembers that, he said he was afraid after he left in the bird his buddies would be freaking out wondering if he'd make it so he wanted to try to calm them down and show them he'd be alright. What I'm getting at is trying to tell you how inspirational this man is, he's such a stud and so many of us are so proud to call him our brother.

But I've made a website for him to both share his story (in hopes that people will leave messages on the website showing him support) and also to raise money to buy him a real nice bed set. I'm sure it sounds like a strange gift but it's the right one. As much as being a great comfort item, and one his mom wanted to find a way to buy him a new one anyways, it's meant to be symbolic. Something he can see and use everyday that will remind him, no matter how briefly, that a large group of fiends and strangers came together to gift him specifically something nice. That kind of positive thinking and solid support is what is going to help him stay as strong hearted as he has been so far, especially once he starts learning to walk again, which will be happening soon once his stumps can bare weight.

You can learn all about him, the injuries, the fundraiser, his family, and everything else on the website: http://www.corporalfox.org
I hope you all will look through it all, leave a comment for him, donate whatever you feel comfortable with, and most importantly help spread the word to as many people/places as you can!

Happy New Year everyone, it's good to be back to MuleyMadness :)
Good to have you back. Thanks for your effort for Cpl Fox. May God be with him, comfort him and heal him.
My highest and deepest regards and gratitude extend to Cpl. Fox and the sacrifice he has made for all of us. I'm sorry to hear of injuries and hope the God will ever sustain him.
tell him god bless and thanks for his service and sacrifice so as we can enjoy the freedoms that he fought to protect