WY Antelope
10/9/06 9:58am
My first antelope. 217 yds with a .257 Roberts 115 grain Nosler Ballistic Tip!

http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v331/GooseHunter/103_0134.jpg " alt="" />

Antelope is some of the best tasting meat I've had, some don't care for it but I loved it.
We took good care of the game and meat to make sure it was tasty. :thumb
Great goat you've got there.
1st try to take 1 that has not been run for a couple of miles.
2nd get the hide off and the meat cooled down , all you really need is to skin and hang in the shade. I like to 1/4 them right off the bat, ( leave proof of sex if needed).
3rd Bone the meat out.
4th I never merinad to cover up the taste.
Antelope is as good of eating as there is if you take care of the meat!
Any way you could post a larger photo so we can see it a little beter.
Thanks for sharing it with us.