WY Hunting areas

I'm trying to gather some information about areas in WY to hunt muleys. it will be our camps first trip west to hunt the bruisers and we could use any useful info about hunting there. thank you
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Care to narrow it down any, it's a big state we got. are you gona use a guide, DIY ,camp, stay in town. privite land or public?
are you looking for one that will book? Rifle, bow?
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Well we have contacted a cattle rancher 50 miles outside of Casper and we are looking at the Sheridan and NE corner of the state also. any info on theres areas and whether they are any good would be great.
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I live up here in Sheridan. What kind of information would you like to know about hunting up here?
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You're in luck! Wyoming Mule Deer is the free trial map on my site

It is a map ranking the areas based on harvest success and trophy potential. All the draw odds and harvest stats are included for each hunting unit on the interactive map.

PM me or email me and I will send you the map