WY Public Land Muley & Pronghorn areas?

My cousin and I are in the process of researching and planning a do it yourself combo hunt in Wyoming for fall of 2010. We want to hunt both pronghorn and muleys during rifle season... We have been looking at applying for Thunder Basin National Grasslands (Unit 7 & 8) for antelope, but have heard that this area isnt known for it's mule deer. We would be satisfied with any 13+ inch antelope any any 4x4 mulie at least as wide as his ears... not trophies, but respectable animals that would look nice on the wall. Any trophy would be a bonus! We will be applying for bonus points for both species this year, so will have one bonus point during the 2010 draw.

Can anyone provide some information on mulies or antelope in this area? What can we reasonably expect to see (antler size)?

Does anyone have any other reccomendations for an area to hunt both mulies & antelope where we can draw tags with one preference point?

We were also considering a public land antelope hunt, but going after mulies on private land via a trespass fee hunt.

Any information you guys can provide me would be most appreciated! Thanks!
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There are LOTS of areas in eastern Wyoming that you can hunt with zero points or get as a leftover licence. You are smart to start early. Since you are coming so far, I would recommend that you go after a private land trespass fee hunt. You could contact either the Chamber of Commerce in Lusk (Niobrara County) or in Douglas (Converse County). Both of those Chambers have hunt information and could help you find a rancher who allows trespass fee hunting.

The deer hunting on the Thunder Basin is hit and miss - mostly miss. It is better antelope country, but there are deer. The parcels are scattered and access can be a problem.

By starting early you have a big advantage. Try to make your connection with the rancher soon and get on the list for 2010 early. Most of the better places have returning clients so it takes early effort to get a good spot.

Good luck and good hunting.
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Thanks for all the info!
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Look at region W south of rocksprings for both deer and antelope. area 101-102 for deer if you can draw they both hold some really big bucks i would say 170+ if you hunt hard you can even do better. Any of the units south of rocksprings is also good for antelope i drew a tag last year i think it was unit 62 but you can expect to see a ton of good antelope bucks from the 12-14 inch range and if you get out and walk/hike you can find them big boys 15+ there are some 16+ bucks out there i lived in rocksprings for about 7 years so i spent alot of time out there but good luck and i hope to see some good pics. if i can help you with any more info just pm me.
oh yeah the antelope i got was 14 inches and scored about 76-77 somewhere right there and one more thing its public land so no trespass fee's nore do u have to have a guide that will save ya a few dollars just check in to it