WY Unit 87

Drew a non-resident deer tag in Wyoming unit 87 and an antelope tag in unit 62 (lower half of 87). Looking for any insight/info on these units. Also appreciate guide recommendations as I am still up in the air between DIY and Guide.

Thoughts on hunting the last three days of rifle antelope and then the first 3 days of rifle deer? Can bring a bow also, but have limited time.

I dont know anything about those units, but I do like to hunt antelope a few days after the opener or towards the end of the season. i would probably hunt the antelope for 2 days and deer for 4 instead of 3 and 3.
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I'm an outfitter and guide and you don't really need a guide in that area. But I would recommend coming for the very end of the deer season. Since you were lucky in the speed goat drawing, that does not sound "doable" but it is likley the best deer hunting.

Most of the area is public and there's a walk-in area that allows access through a key part. Good bucks with decent age classes, but not the best habitat or genetics. Quite a few big 3 points or 4X3's and not real long tines.

But a really good hunt and good country. Be prepared to do some hiking to find the best bucks, as is always the case.

Good luck, hope you smack a big one.
Umpqua Hunter
My wife had that tag in 2010. The last three days of the season (OCt 29-31) are your money days there, as the larger bucks are beginning to run with the does. There is plenty of public land there and the game warden can give you the names of ranches that are allowing deer hunting on that land.
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I dont know anything about those units