WY Unit 87
7/9/11 6:28am
Drew a non-resident deer tag in Wyoming unit 87 and an antelope tag in unit 62 (lower half of 87). Looking for any insight/info on these units. Also appreciate guide recommendations as I am still up in the air between DIY and Guide.
Thoughts on hunting the last three days of rifle antelope and then the first 3 days of rifle deer? Can bring a bow also, but have limited time.
Thoughts on hunting the last three days of rifle antelope and then the first 3 days of rifle deer? Can bring a bow also, but have limited time.
Most of the area is public and there's a walk-in area that allows access through a key part. Good bucks with decent age classes, but not the best habitat or genetics. Quite a few big 3 points or 4X3's and not real long tines.
But a really good hunt and good country. Be prepared to do some hiking to find the best bucks, as is always the case.
Good luck, hope you smack a big one.