WY unit 89?
7/24/07 11:39am
I applied for WY unit 89 this year and was surprised to draw a NR tag. This unit is centered about 40 miles west of Casper. It's not one of the top producers of WY trophy mule deer, but I had heard it has good potential. So I have the tag and have studied the maps. Most of the public land is in the southern part of the unit. I will stay on the public unless I stumble onto a reasonable trespass fee situation that looks promising. Anyone willing to share some info regarding what part of this unit has decent numbers of mule deer in it, or where you might suggest I start looking for deer? Seems like there may also be some whitetails? I assume this area is/has been very dry? Will the deer be concentrated in areas that have some water? Thanks.

7/24/07 11:45am
wish I could help ya but that is one of the few areas I've never spent time in.