

I am new to the board

I won't lie, I'm looking for help [-o<

I am no trophy hunter!
I am just looking for some good hunting
I live in Arizona and believe I will never draw an antelope tag here, therefore I am going elsewhere.
one of my biggest hunting goals is to complete a deer grand slam, so far I have Coues deer and Muley checked off.
I figured that since I will be in eastern whitetail country why not try to get one step closer

I am planning a combo DIY antelope and whitetail hunt in Wyoming for fall 2010.

I have been in contact with a resident in the western part of the state and he can help with the antelope part however I'm leaning more towards a hunt in the south central part of the state, then going site seeing
a couple of days in Nebraska and South Dakota (Mt Rushmore and others) since this may very well be a once in a lifetime trip for me and my wife.

then I wanted to hunt whitetail deer in the eastern part of the state

here's my dilemma;

the pronghorn hunts start in mid Sept or 1 Oct
the deer hunts in the NE corner of the Wyoming (specifically the Black Hills NF) start 1 Nov ( same goes for the NW portion of SD)
there are some deer hunts that start 1 Oct in southeastern WY but there is an awful lot private land and a lot fewer tags

as of right now I've got my sights set on area 47 for antelope,

question: is the antelope hunting still going to be excellent the last week of Oct?

I've heard that right after the first few days the lopes get a little skittish but settle down once the crowds disappear

our plan is to hunt antelope 3-5 days (hopefully 1-2 only) in area 47 then go site seeing ending up in region A on 1 Nov to hunt deer

this is going to be a family vacation
I will hunt buck pronghorn and whitetail
while the wife and my two older boys will hunt does

question: does anyone know of a good place to hunt whitetail on public land around the town of Torrington WY?
if I could hunt this region it would solve a few problems.

we are planning on taking 2 weeks
this includes travel time to and from Tucson

any suggestions, comments, concerns are greatly appreciated

nobody here owes me anything

I'm just looking for a heads up


Sorry I can't help you but just wanted to say ::wel to the board! I'm sure someone will chime in to give you a bit of help. Very knowledgable and friendly folks around these parts!
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I drew a unit 30 antelope tag in WY last year 100% draw. I hunted about 35 miles south of Douglas on public land. It was hard for a Texas boy to understand the map but, once I figured where I was I had encounters with at least 10 big bucks. I saw at least 250 antelope and they weren't very spooky. My hunt was the last week of the season which was Oct 20-28. It only took about two hours to tag out. I think you can get a Whitetail hunt that starts Nov 1st in Montana if not WY. Good Luck and don't shoot the first one you see.
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"westTXhunter" wrote:I drew a unit 30 antelope tag in WY last year 100% draw. I hunted about 35 miles south of Douglas on public land. It was hard for a Texas boy to understand the map but, once I figured where I was I had encounters with at least 10 big bucks. I saw at least 250 antelope and they weren't very spooky. My hunt was the last week of the season which was Oct 20-28. It only took about two hours to tag out. I think you can get a Whitetail hunt that starts Nov 1st in Montana if not WY. Good Luck and don't shoot the first one you see.
were you in a HMA or a walk-in area? if so do you recall what it was called

looks like that hunt also starts late Oct 10th, this would be a plus!

I was not even considering this area due to the * "INDICATES HUNT AREA WITH DIFFICULT PUBLIC ACCESS"
or any area that had the *

thanks for the heads up

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I hunted about two miles north of poision lake. If you type that into google earth you will see the terrain. It was state land if I remember correctly. I only saw one other hunter for the 20mile trip and he was hunting mulies. Late season is my recommendation. Good Luck.
hunter77, welcome to MM and the White tail forum. Sounds like your doing your home work and getting information ahead of time. Good start. I think NE WY is a good choice for WT. There is National Forest and national grasslands open to the public. And a quite a bit of fee hunting on private land. Odds of drawing a license are good. With the high antelope populations I wouldn't worry about doing a late hunt. The antelope will be spooky, but a good stalk will get you in range.
Montana buck tags are a hard draw and most have points, but even 1st timers have some chance.
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thanks for the input
I will definitely take a closer look at 30 and the area around poison lake
that's some great info, don't tell no one else :-$

yeah I've been at it for almost a year now (if there's one thing I have OCD about it's hunting :)) )
I have 1 pref point for speedgoats and 1 for deer
I'll have 2 when it comes time to submit apps, I'm thinking I'll have great odds of drawing my first choices where ever it is

thanks for the feed back guys
glad to be here

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I hunt a lot in Goshen County/Platte County for waterfowl and upland game, so I know the area good. Unless you can get permistion before you put in for a deer tag up there on big tracks of the river bottom I would not put in for a wt lic up there. I know people up there and I cann't get access. some big bucks up there but thats a hard place to hunt.

Now if you don't mind hunting doe/fawn antelope look at area 9 east of lusk wyo, there a bunch of new walk-in areas and the tags are under 50$ each, besides most land owner will let you in for free to hunt doe's. hunt the last few days of the season the head up to Sundance and hunt WT in the Bearlodge or over on the state line around Sand Creek on the 1st of Nov. The Wt hunting will not be at it's peak but you will see deer and have a good chance at a good buck if you hunt smart.