Wyoming 2014 hunt help
1/17/14 7:54pm
As I posted in role call my name is Jeff and I am from upstate NY. I am new to this site as well as western hunting. I am planning an antelope hunt to Wyoming October 2014 and hope to draw an area 24 tag. I do have private ground to hunt for antelope that I have to pay a trespass fee for. I was also considering applying for an area c deer tag. I was wondering how bad the public access was north west of Gillette? I have ordered a few maps from BLM to try and figure out ground. Also getting gps chip and typo maps. I realize that is never as good as first hand knowledge and would appreciate any suggestions. If anyone knows any ranches that offer access for a reasonable trespass fee I would also be interested in that. I definitely want a DIY hunt without guide. Thanks for any help you could offer, I appreciate it.
Take you some good optics if you plan on scoping you out a trophy. We hunted a decent sized valley and I just glassed for a while until I figured out where the antelope were crossing the ridge into the valley. Then I found a little bit of cover and set up right where they were crossing. We killed three lopes in that very spot. Good Luck to yoU!
I wonder about the 1200 acres, do you have it to yourselves?
When You get your BLM maps check the area around the ranch, is it public?
1200 acres to me seems very small for an antelope hunt or deer hunt for that matter?
You maybe hit a jackpot, best of luck.
On a separate note, as far as your maps go, it may not be a bad idea to blow up, print, and laminate a satellite photo of the property and/or areas you'll be hunting. I thought about doing this for my CO hunt this November.