11/3/08 1:45pm
I was wanting to know some info on the wyoming antelope what units have the best odds and have a good chance at a buck im not looking for all the secrets just a place to start

11/3/08 3:08pm
Here's a great place to start.

Snake River Marksman
11/5/08 8:25am
Units on the eastern edge of the state have almost 100% odds of drawing a tag. You also have nearly 100% chances of getting a buck when you hunt. Most of the bucks over there run in the 13 to 14 inch class. There are bigger bucks to be had, mostly on ranches and such, but I don't see the sense in paying tresspass fees. Check into areas 25, 26, 113. Plan on being there for a week. Get there a few days before the season opens and learn some of the two tracks, and most importantly, get used to seeing and evaluating antelope. You will likely be finished on opening day with a good, representative buck. Buy a doe tag or two. At only $34 they are well worth the money. Learn to shoot at 300yds, from field positions, in the wind. HAVE FUN!

11/5/08 8:36am
Thanks for the info i will definetly check those areas out