Wyoming Antelope Success
9/14/10 2:06pm
We just got back from our Wyoming antelope hunt. it was a great experience for me and my buddy. I had experienced the Low and the highs of it all. Hopefully I can explain the hunt for all of you to enjoy.
We weren't able to be there the first day that the hunt opened but were there bright and early for the second day.

http://i287.photobucket.com/albums/ll151/troutcarver/100_3434-1.jpg " alt="" />
My friend Scott has never harvested a big game animal. He has been hunting many of times but never had the opportunity to seal the deal. He was so excited that he wanted to shoot the first buck that we saw. i had to hold him back as we seen a lot of smaller bucks. As we were going along we spotted a herd of 30-40 antelope. There was one Buck that looked really good. We were about mile away and above them. We made our plan to stalk in on them. We hiked down a gully and got with in 130 yards of the herd behind a hill. As we crept up to the hill my friend Scott got ready for the shot. The buck was chasing another smaller buck away when he stopped and Scott made a perfect kill shot at 150 yards. We both couldn't have been happier at the way every thing turned out with the stalk and the shot.

http://i287.photobucket.com/albums/ll151/troutcarver/100_3421.jpg " alt="" />
His antelope is 14 inches on one side and 13.5 inches on the other. A great first goat.
Now the bar has been set. I knew what I wanted because of the scouting trip I went on a few weeks earlier. We put a lot of miles on the truck and looked at a lot of animals. You get to a point where they all looks the same. We weren't seeing anything with any size to them. We cover most of the area in a day and a half. We finally went over to the other side of the unit to see what it held. We finally see a very good buck. As soon as we stop to see what he is he takes off with the group a 100 miles and hour down away for up. The group does cross the road but the buck turned and headed away from us. We finally catch up with him and got ahead of him. We made the stalk to as close as we dared. I got the distance on him at 330 yards. Boom I shoot high. In a flash he is gone and I'm sick. I blew my chance. All that work for one shot and he is gone. I thought about packing it up and heading home. Luckily we didn't.
We picked my Bro in Law up in town to have and extra set of eyes with us. We headed out again to find Mr. Big. Well it didn't take long to locate another good buck. These antelope were spooky. They didn't wait around for us to get ready so i took a quick shot and missed. They were off and running. We followed them up and over the hills. I really though we were chasing deer or elk in the country that these antelope were in. We finally caught up with them and made a plan for a stalk. We snuck into the trees and the antelope were on the other ridge 350 yards away. I took a solid rest when the buck stepped out of the aspens and shot. the first shot took his shoulder out and the second finished him off. Now the feeling of elation comes over me and to be very thankful for the opportunity to hunt these speedsters of the hills and plains.

http://i287.photobucket.com/albums/ll151/troutcarver/100_3452.jpg " alt="" />
The 300 win mag did its job.

http://i287.photobucket.com/albums/ll151/troutcarver/100_3474.jpg " alt="" />
When I seen this buck up close I found out how much character he really has. Both horns has multiple little points to them.

http://i287.photobucket.com/albums/ll151/troutcarver/100_3467.jpg " alt="" />
Not sure what he will score. Not sure If i really care. He has one horn that is 14.5 inches and the other at 14 inches.
It was really a great hunt. I'm so glad I got to share it with some great people.
Thanks for your words of advice on here. the whole process is what make the experience so great.
We weren't able to be there the first day that the hunt opened but were there bright and early for the second day.

My friend Scott has never harvested a big game animal. He has been hunting many of times but never had the opportunity to seal the deal. He was so excited that he wanted to shoot the first buck that we saw. i had to hold him back as we seen a lot of smaller bucks. As we were going along we spotted a herd of 30-40 antelope. There was one Buck that looked really good. We were about mile away and above them. We made our plan to stalk in on them. We hiked down a gully and got with in 130 yards of the herd behind a hill. As we crept up to the hill my friend Scott got ready for the shot. The buck was chasing another smaller buck away when he stopped and Scott made a perfect kill shot at 150 yards. We both couldn't have been happier at the way every thing turned out with the stalk and the shot.

His antelope is 14 inches on one side and 13.5 inches on the other. A great first goat.
Now the bar has been set. I knew what I wanted because of the scouting trip I went on a few weeks earlier. We put a lot of miles on the truck and looked at a lot of animals. You get to a point where they all looks the same. We weren't seeing anything with any size to them. We cover most of the area in a day and a half. We finally went over to the other side of the unit to see what it held. We finally see a very good buck. As soon as we stop to see what he is he takes off with the group a 100 miles and hour down away for up. The group does cross the road but the buck turned and headed away from us. We finally catch up with him and got ahead of him. We made the stalk to as close as we dared. I got the distance on him at 330 yards. Boom I shoot high. In a flash he is gone and I'm sick. I blew my chance. All that work for one shot and he is gone. I thought about packing it up and heading home. Luckily we didn't.
We picked my Bro in Law up in town to have and extra set of eyes with us. We headed out again to find Mr. Big. Well it didn't take long to locate another good buck. These antelope were spooky. They didn't wait around for us to get ready so i took a quick shot and missed. They were off and running. We followed them up and over the hills. I really though we were chasing deer or elk in the country that these antelope were in. We finally caught up with them and made a plan for a stalk. We snuck into the trees and the antelope were on the other ridge 350 yards away. I took a solid rest when the buck stepped out of the aspens and shot. the first shot took his shoulder out and the second finished him off. Now the feeling of elation comes over me and to be very thankful for the opportunity to hunt these speedsters of the hills and plains.

The 300 win mag did its job.

When I seen this buck up close I found out how much character he really has. Both horns has multiple little points to them.

Not sure what he will score. Not sure If i really care. He has one horn that is 14.5 inches and the other at 14 inches.
It was really a great hunt. I'm so glad I got to share it with some great people.
Thanks for your words of advice on here. the whole process is what make the experience so great.
Thank you for being one of those who become an member of muleymadness to ask a question and then follow up with pics and a story of your hunt. Too often guys come on and ask the questions and then never post or contribute again.
Thanks again for sharing.
i agree with NOTENOUGH- it is cool when someone comes on to ask for info then reports back. if everyone did this, people would get alot more help.
thanks again, you guys did great! 10sign:
Great story and pics! =D> I hope to draw next year with my wife and chase some of those great animals around my self.
Congrads to you and your friend :thumb .
I'm seriously itching to get out and go myself, but I have to wait two more weeks for antelope. Hopefully I'll be out this week for Muleys. Today is opening day and I have to work!
Nice bucks congrats on the success
If your like me i really like to see pictures. So here are a few more of my hunt.
Congrats to you and your friend Scott...Those are two fine animals and your story was great...
Good luck to everyone,