Wyoming antelope trip 68


I am looking to get any extra insight I can on the Split Rock area, (unit 68).

I live over here in Oregon and will not be able to pre scout the unit before the hunt. My plan is to archery hunt a few days before the rifle season and switch over to rifle if not successful.

I have a friend who lived there for a short time that took a nice buck in the south end of the unit with his rifle and has given me a place to start. Unfortunately, he has no experience in the rest of the unit.

So what I am looking for is any extra insight on good places to camp and areas that might be more archery friendly. Would a blind be a good way to go or is the train broke up enough to spot and stock?

Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks!
Is there only Utah people on this site? I thought there were a few Wyoming folk on here that might have some insight. At least tell me to take a hike or something. (???)
Tyewire, I haven't hunted that unit before. It's been a very dry spring and summer for most of us around here, so if you can find their water source, set up a blind and you should be able to close the deal with your stick and string. Have fun.
Thanks Hiker,

I have maps on the way and will do a lot of studying. I have a blind and going to get a decoy of some sort soon.

I can't wait to get over there and get started!