Wyoming Area 7 - Public

If anyone has any information / tips for public access hunting in Area 7, it would be greatly appreciated. 1st time elk hunter...got a cow tag. We will heading up there in mid October.

::wel to Muley Madness

Area 7 has some access issues but there still is enough public land to have a good hunt it is a very large unit and bow season seems to be the best time for taking an elk on public land.

The last few years more and more elk having been living on the private land year round, they still do live on the public lands but as soon as pressure comes they head for the same private ranchs every year.

You will need to contact the warden for area 7 and see if there is any land owners allowing cow hunters and of course get his opinion on where to take a cow elk on public.
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there are many ranches that allow cow elk hunting, call the district biologist at the game and fish