Wyoming Draw Odds Question?
3/7/08 11:54am
Wyoming has now posted the draw odds for 2008 elk.
Here is the link for the regular draw:
If you look close at the numbers it seems that nobody drew a second choice general elk tag. I was under the impression that Wyoming looked at your first two choices before moving to the next applicant. Does anyone know if this has changed?
If this is the case, this will definitely impact the strategy I use for deer and antelope.
Any help would be appreciated.
Here is the link for the regular draw:
If you look close at the numbers it seems that nobody drew a second choice general elk tag. I was under the impression that Wyoming looked at your first two choices before moving to the next applicant. Does anyone know if this has changed?
If this is the case, this will definitely impact the strategy I use for deer and antelope.
Any help would be appreciated.
Yes they changed it this year. All first choice applicants will be chosen before any second choice applicants, reguardless of points. I also had great ideas for future drawing applications..... ](*,) G & F closed the loophole after one year. You might want to call G & F 307-777-4600 and change your applications.