Wyoming Elk Hunt for Wife
12/30/07 12:38am
My wife has 2 pref pts in Wyoming for Elk. She wants to kill a 6 pt bull in the next couple of years. I am not opposed to paying tresspass fees or hiring a guide, would prefer to Do It Ourselves though. Where can she put in for to draw a tag in the next year or two that she will have a good chance of killing a decent bull?
Thanks CS 4c
My wife has 2 pref pts in Wyoming for Elk. She wants to kill a 6 pt bull in the next couple of years. I am not opposed to paying tresspass fees or hiring a guide, would prefer to Do It Ourselves though. Where can she put in for to draw a tag in the next year or two that she will have a good chance of killing a decent bull?
Thanks CS 4c
Would you put in together or should we put in seperate???
How goes the archery hunt on this unit?
Thanks CS
Thanks CS
Both of the the bulls my buddies killed were archery kills. They had a lot of opportunity on other bulls with many blown stalks and close calls. They both say it was one of the funnest archery hunts they have done. Exactly the reason I am building points. They both went into the hunt with the idea of archery hunting it to scout and then return later with the rifles. That obviously didn't happen.