Wyoming Elk Hunt Success 2010
10/18/10 4:36pm
here's the short of it...first afternoon hunt was last Sunday after we arrived at the camp 8 miles in on a very rough road. From camp we went out on horseback about 5miles, then tied up and usually hunted another 2miles. Nothing really happened Sunday afternoon. Went back to camp and arose the next morning and headed out. Got to the morning area and started off in the dark timber, sat and listened. No sound, then the guide let out a few cow calls...followed by a couple others, waited a couple minutes then made two bugles...about 200yds in we hear the reply..a bull calling back, we hurry (quietly) through the boulders, through small parks, creeping on used elk trails...seemed like a 1/2 mile, and along the way we would hit a couple cow calls and the bull was screaming back...getting louder. we know the bull is just over the next set of trees and boulders we get to the point, crawl up a bit, raised up -- bad mistake -- across the small meadow/park on the timber hillside was 4 cows and they spotted us - our cover was blown! Those cows took off, then 4 more come out in the middle of the meadow and I was waiting for the herd bull to follow right behind -- he busted out the backside and never presented a shot. Man o'man, was my heart pumping hearing that herd bull screaming at us. 1st morning hunt was over....that afternoon, another similar situation with a herd bull, but he would not show himself from within the timber.
2nd morning we go to another area where we were hearing 3 bulls bugling as we rode into the area. Me and the guide decide to make a big circle around. We hiked ~1 - 1 1/2 miles and came down into some timber sat down and started some cow calls. Seemed like we sat there for at least 20minutes, then out of the right eye I see some dark legs sneaking down in on us. then it steps in between some trees and the opening and its a bull. not a big one, but a decent bull. he now staring straight at us and I don't move...he starts to turn/look away and I raise my .300 win mag, he looks back at us and I let one off right in the front right side of him...he leaps to the left and stops..the guide says "you hit him hard!" "Let another one fly" -- I knew I hit him hard already and I didn't want to fire again...the bull stood there for maybe 10secs and then tried to move forward and tumbled backwards...bull down! Guide looked at me and said "that's the first bull this year with only one shot"..we high fived, cleaned the elk...went back and got the pack horses....
2nd time I used this outfitter, but first in this general area...outfitter has rights in 3 different areas.
here's picture...
2nd morning we go to another area where we were hearing 3 bulls bugling as we rode into the area. Me and the guide decide to make a big circle around. We hiked ~1 - 1 1/2 miles and came down into some timber sat down and started some cow calls. Seemed like we sat there for at least 20minutes, then out of the right eye I see some dark legs sneaking down in on us. then it steps in between some trees and the opening and its a bull. not a big one, but a decent bull. he now staring straight at us and I don't move...he starts to turn/look away and I raise my .300 win mag, he looks back at us and I let one off right in the front right side of him...he leaps to the left and stops..the guide says "you hit him hard!" "Let another one fly" -- I knew I hit him hard already and I didn't want to fire again...the bull stood there for maybe 10secs and then tried to move forward and tumbled backwards...bull down! Guide looked at me and said "that's the first bull this year with only one shot"..we high fived, cleaned the elk...went back and got the pack horses....
2nd time I used this outfitter, but first in this general area...outfitter has rights in 3 different areas.
here's picture...
Thanks for sharing your hunt with us. Good job and Congrats. :thumb